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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me (Natalie) novel Chapter 52

​Chapter 52 Kendrick Will Do Anything for Natalie 

Nora naturally refused to go to the mental hospital. 

Reuben thought of an idea and told her that he had got even with Kendrick on this matter. 

He also said that Natalie was now in his hands and that they could do anything to her. 

Nora shouted, "I will kill her. I must kill her. I will throw her into the street, naked. Where is she now?" She seized Reuben by the throat crazily, gritted her teeth, and said, "Tell me where she is." 

Obviously, after this incident, Natalie became the shadow of her life. 

Reuben was almost suffocated by her, and his guilt was all gone. 

He even felt that he had made a very wise decision. 

"Nora, Nora, let go of me first. I'll take you to her. Don't worry." 

Nora, bent on revenge, did not suspect that her husband, with whom she had lived for 20 years, would lie to her. She followed him into the car. 

Reuben drove her straight to Harmony Hospital. 

As soon as Nora got out of the car, she was held down by two doctors and was then sedated. 

Soon, she was unconscious. 


Natalie didn't know that Nora had already been sent to a mental hospital for treatment. 

What she had been told by Kendrick was that he was going to communicate with the Quinn family. 

His expression, as he said this, was so calm that Natalie thought he really meant to have a serious talk with the Quinn family. 

When Kendrick returned, he handed Reuben's signed statement to Natalie and said, "He took the initiative to dissolve the legal relationship with you." 

Natalie took it and looked at it. 

It was indeed a little different from the previous version. 

Reuben became the party that made the statement voluntarily. 

Natalie did not care about that. 

After all, her goal had been achieved. 

Natalie held the thin statement and suddenly sighed. 

Kendrick thought she was sad, so he said, "You have the initiative. If you don't sign, the agreement will not come into force." 

Natalie took the pen and signed her name. Then she looked down at him and said in a sweet voice, "From now on, you're the only one I have." 

She was alone in this strange world. 

Now that she had severed her relationship with her original family, Kendrick was really the only one around her. 

The words touched Kendrick deeply. 

He said in his heart, "From now on, I'm the only one she has. 

I'll become her whole world." 

With this thought, Kendrick reached out and held her hand. 

Natalie was insatiable. She stooped and looked into his eyes. "You must be nice to me!" 

Kendrick wondered if he had been nice to Natalie. 

All he had done was for her. 

However, he was still not sure whether she needed such kindness. 

Therefore, Kendrick asked earnestly, "What should I do?" 

His attitude was pious, without a trace of jokes. 

Natalie didn't know how to answer for a while. She thought of the sentence she had excerpted from the melodramatic literature she read in the past and said, "I want to be your only, unique, and preferred. 

"You must trust me. That's important." 

"This is really important," she reemphasized in her heart. 

"What else?" asked Kendrick. 

"What else?" Natalie thought for a moment and said, "Don't have any close contact with other women. For example, that Caitlyn I met last time." 

She still remembered what happened that day. 

"She called you Ken. You can't allow anyone to call you that in the future." 

Kendrick could see that Natalie was jealous. 

He looked at her, smiling. 

Natalie suddenly felt shy and shouted, "This kind of addressing is too intimate. You are married, so it's not appropriate for other women to call you that." 

"Only I can call him that," she thought. 

Thinking of this, she said with an evil smile, "Ken, do you agree?" 


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