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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me (Natalie) novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81 Natalie's Wish 

Natalie's breath was filled with Kendrick's masculine scent. 

She quickly searched her memory. 

With the last experience, she didn't panic much. She reached out to hook Kendrick's neck and kissed him back passionately. 

She even dared to break into his teeth with the tip of her tongue. 

Kendrick's black eyes instantly darkened a lot. 

Their breaths mingled, and they could distinctly feel each other's temperature. 

The cold cedar cologne belonged to Kendrick, and the sweet rose perfume belonged to Natalie. 

They blended together and created a hot and erotic atmosphere. 

The joy in Natalie's heart spread. She couldn't help but think, "I've never met a man like him who's as dazzling as a star in my life. He's restrained, gentle, yet domineering. He takes good care of me in this strange world. 

Women never want much. 

All we wish for in life is to be loved and pampered. 

That's all!" 

The love that oozed from the bottom of her heart made Natalie actively deepen the kiss. 

Natalie was bold but inexperienced. 

As a result, she soon became out of breath. 

She felt like she was about to faint. 

"Breathe." Kendrick finally realized that the little fool in his arms hadn't exhaled during the kiss. Due to Natalie's initiative just now, he had thought she was good at kissing, but he hadn't expected her to be out of breath so soon. 

Natalie gasped heavily and pulled herself back from the edge of suffocation. She leaned softly against his shoulder and felt that her cheeks were blushing. She suddenly noticed that even her fingertips were trembling. 

After calming down, Natalie complained, "You took advantage of me off guard and deliberately kissed me." 

After saying that, she continued in her heart, "It's him. It's definitely him who hit his lips on mine. 

At that time, I was afraid of hitting him in the face and tried my best not to move my face, but he actually leaned his face forward himself. 

It must be him. 

He even bit my lips and the tip of my tongue." 

After waiting for a while, Natalie still didn't hear Kendrick speak. Just as she was about to straighten up and look at him, she suddenly heard him ask, "Do you like it?" 

Natalie didn't speak. 

She lowered her head a bit, feeling shy. 

She thought to herself, "What should I do next? 

Now that I have regained my breath, should I try it again?" 

Just as she was thinking, Kendrick's hoarse voice suddenly came from above her head, "Get off me for a moment." 

Natalie finally realized that she was sitting on his legs. 

She quickly got up and then saw Kendrick pull a thin blanket over his lap. 

Seeing that, Natalie thought in confusion, "It's now September, and the air conditioning is not on. Is he feeling cold? 

Perhaps his legs are a bit uncomfortable." 

Just as Natalie was about to speak, Kendrick said, "I have some documents to deal with. There will be a group executive meeting tomorrow." 

"Okay, okay." Natalie quickly nodded.  "Then remember to drink the milk. I'll go for some reading." 

Kendrick nodded. 

After Natalie had left the room, Kendrick leaned back against the head of the bed and calmed his rapid breathing. 

He dropped his eyes to his crotch. 

Then he clenched his hand into a fist and knocked on his forehead. 

"Damn it!" he cursed. 


Natalie returned to her room and started reading. 

Her mind, however, was occupied by the kiss. 

As a result, she could not concentrate on her reading at all. 

She couldn't help but think, "Well, he really has a great influence on my learning." 

She reached out to touch her lips and suddenly saw a new e-mail on her computer screen. 

As she had expected, it was from Owen. 

Natalie clicked on it and saw a long message. She skimmed it and quickly sorted out the key points. 

Owen had a conflict with someone. 

That person was Glenn Murphy, a professor of traditional medicine who was in charge of acupuncture in Kendrick's diagnosis and treatment plan. 


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