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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me (Natalie) novel Chapter 88

Chapter 88 Breathing While Kissing 

"Are you awake? Would you like some water?" 

Hearing the soft female voice, Kendrick suddenly felt relieved. 

Natalie put a glass of warm water in front of his lips and carefully fed him. 

He just had an adrenaline shot, so his face and lips were bloodless. 

Seeing the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, Natalie lovingly wiped them off. 

She knew the treatment would not go on without a hitch. All sorts of contingencies were bound to arise. She and Kendrick must stay strong. 

"It's an allergy caused by drug overdose." Natalie gently explained, "It is the most advanced drug that had not been popularized in our country, so we lack samples for clinical trials." 

"I'm fine." 

Kendrick did not want her to worry, so he slightly smiled, "It's not the first time I have had an allergy." 

He had received treatment for years and had encountered more serious dangers before. 

Therefore, he was calm and would not blame his doctors or nurses. They were dutifully taking care of him. He knew their difficulties and hardships, and he was always tolerant toward them. 

After resting for a while, he felt better. So, he propped himself up, sat up, and said, "Natalie, please send some fruits and flowers to the doctors and nurses later. I want to thank them." 

Natalie hurriedly nodded, "No problem. You can count on me." 

His care and tolerance for the doctors and nurses deeply moved her. There were many kind people in the world. But few people in adversity could still care for others. 

He always made her want to cry and love him more. 

Seeing no doctors or nurses around, Natalie leaned over, kissed him on the face, and said, "You are the best man I’ve ever met." 

After three knocks on the door, Owen came in with a medical record book and briefly described Kendrick’s current condition. 

Because he had undergone CPR and artificial respiration treatment, he would be hospitalized for observation. 

Kendrick was drinking water. Hearing artificial respiration, he abruptly raised his head. 

Natalie explained, "Your condition was dangerous, so Dr. Gentry gave you artificial respiration treatment." 

Both Owen and Kendrick were stunned. 

Kendrick almost choked. Slowly putting down the glass, he showed a complicated expression. 

The corner of Owen's lips twitched. But he had promised to keep the secret. Moreover, it was saving Kendrick’s life. So, he kept silent. However, Kendrick gave him an unfriendly stare. 

Seeing this, Natalie couldn't help laughing, "I was joking." 

She leaned over and whispered in Kendrick’s ear, "I did it." 

She blinked and added, "I told you I have taken first-aid courses." 

Kendrick picked up his glass and took a sip of water, feeling as if riding a roller coaster. 

While slowly drinking, he suddenly asked, "Is it the first time you have conducted artificial respiration?" 

Was he jealous? 

Natalie immediately explained, "We used dummied in class, and you are the first real person." 

Kendrick hoped she was telling the truth. 

Owen had not left. He coughed and told them the dos and don’ts. After asking Kendrick to have a good rest, he walked out of the room, eager for fresh air. 

As soon as he left, Kendrick reached out to pinch Natalie's earlobe and twitched it slightly. Then, he narrowed his eyes and asked, "Now you dare to lie to me, don't you?" 

The little liar was getting too presumptuous now. He had not expected her to dare to tell such a lie. 

Natalie gasped in pain and begged him for mercy, saying, "I was just joking!" 

Her earlobe was small and delicate, so he couldn't help rubbing it with his thumb. 

Her ears instantly burned and flushed. 

Soon, she heard him chuckle as if teasing her for her shyness. 


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