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My Dreamy Old Husband novel Chapter 205

Sensing someone’s presence over there, Sophia tremblingly stretched out her hand toward him and pleaded, “Save me, please!”

However, the person seemed to be unconcerned about her life or death situation. Tearing his clothes into pieces with his teeth, he seemed to let out a few mocking chuckles as he bandaged his wounds. “I’ll save you if you can crawl up to me,” he muttered.

Using all the strength she could muster, Sophia wormed her way through the mud and crawled toward the man with all her might. As her body ached all over, she suffered intense pain every time she moved. Then, as the pain penetrated deep into her soul, her breathing became increasingly shallow before she gradually lost her consciousness. Even so, she crawled toward the man with indomitable perseverance.

I must not die! I must take revenge! I must make those who hurt me pay the price! she thought to herself.

After treating his wounds, the man lowered his head and watched as she crawled little by little toward him. He then said with a sneer, “What’s the point of you struggling to stay alive after living such a miserable life? It would be better to just die!”

“I will not die!” uttered Sophia with a pause after each word. “Even if I’m a dog, I’ll live longer than the other dogs!”

All she wanted was to gain a foothold in this world through her own hard work; Sophia had never hurt nor damaged the interests of anyone, so why should she deserve to die?

Sophia’s fingers sank deep into the mud, leaving deep trails in the mud as she crawled. Since they treated her like a dog, she would live like one and outlive all of them!

Having heard her answer, the man laughed. He seemed young, and his eyes were attractive and charming.

Having crawled to his feet, Sophia clutched his ankle tightly, sinking her fingernails into his flesh.


He hissed in pain and said, “You’re really a dog. Not only do you live a wretched life, but you’ll also live a long life.”

Sophia kept grabbing his ankle with all her might without saying a word. Having run out of strength to resist, the man let her claw at his ankle until it bled. Then, without moving his ankle, he moved around to her feet and tapped her leg. “Did you get your leg broken by somebody else?” he asked.


Sophia clenched her teeth to keep her pain from showing.

The man said, “Hang in there—it’ll be painful.”

A pair of large and powerful hands rested on her broken leg as he finished his sentence. The next instant, a loud and clear crack could be heard from her broken bone. As the sound traveled all the way to her brain, the intense pain and feeling of suffocation flooded her consciousness, causing her to pass out instantly.

Sophia was already in the hospital by the time she had regained consciousness. Not only had her broken leg been forcibly put back in place, the person had even paid her medical bills.

However, she also had a badly mangled wound on her ankle at the same time. She used to think that she received the wound on the beach, but it seemed like the man was the actual culprit behind it. Furthermore, the scar’s position seemed to have perfectly matched the spot on his ankle where she had scratched him.

Did that man do it on purpose?

Meanwhile, Gary, Hale, Gemma, and the rest of the experts gathered around Michael back in his study. He then showed them the photo of Sophia’s ankle on his cell phone. The mangled scar looked like a dog—no, it looked more like a wolf with its rugged appearance.

Gemma quickly scanned the photo and searched it up on her database. Getting hundreds of matching results soon after that, she immediately concluded, “Boss, Madam’s scar wasn’t formed by nature. It was carved using a blunt weapon, and matching search results show that it is the Phantom Wolf’s symbol.”


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