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My Evil Husband by Sweet Mia novel Chapter 1

Anna POV

Today is my wedding. I know I am very young to get married. But I can't do anything.

My mom and dad had told me that I have to marry him.

We met in a club where I worked as a waitress. He saw me and told me to spend one night with him.

I had refused him and told him that I was waiting for my husband and would sleep with him.

He didn't say anything after that. So I thought he understood me.

After a week, my parents called me. They told me that my father's business is in losses.

So a person had come and told them that he would help them in the business. But in return he wanted something.

I was curious about the thing that he wanted. My mom told me that they had offered me to him for a week. She had told me this without any emotion.

I was shocked. I knew they hated me a lot but I didn't know that they would sell me. So I asked her without any emotion what he said.

She told me he wanted me for more than 1 week. So he had suggested getting us married.

Can you believe this? I am only 18 years old. And he is 25 years old.

Then they told me my wedding is only after 1 week. I didn't say anything to them.

Because it's not like they are asking for my opinion. They are simply telling me.

So here I am getting ready for my marriage. My sister is doing my makeup. She is 2 years older than me.

She hates me but sometimes she helps me too.

I sighed and looked at my reflection in the mirror

I sighed and looked at my reflection in the mirror. The person in the mirror is looking so beautiful.

I know I am not beautiful. My family never leaves any moment to remind me. It's not like I have any time for pampering myself.

After doing my makeup, my sister went outside and came back with my parents.

They looked at me with a cold expression. Then my mother came to me and told me " Never say no to your husband. Never okay. Always respect him and do whatever he told you to. Do you understand"

I flinched and said, " yes mom, I understand."

"Let's go it's time for the bride entry" my sister Zara said

My father took my hand in his and squeezed it harshly. I flinched in pain but said nothing.

We both walked out of the room. It's just a simple church marriage. Nothing special.

It's not like my parents would do anything for me.

I didn't raise my eyes when we were walking toward my would-be husband.

The only thing I know about him was his name, Jack Miller. Nothing more. How would I spend all my life with a stranger?

We reached where he was standing. My father gave my hand in his hand and said nothing. No, take care of my daughter. Nothing.


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