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My Evil Husband by Sweet Mia novel Chapter 20

Anna POV

Jack came toward me and he also congratulates them.

"How far along are you Mrs Miller," Avril asked me

"Oh please call me Anna and I am five months along. And you " I said with a smile.

Ace and jack are talking about business. Aghh Men.

Ace smiled at me and I smiled back at him and turned to Avril.

"I am 4 months pregnant. Mom was telling me that you are having twins." She said

"Yes. But I don't know their gender yet." I told her sadly

Rose laughed. She put her hand on my shoulder and said "No need to be sad Anna. You will find out on your next appointment."

"Really," I asked excitedly.

She nodded and smiled at me.

Someone called them so they were hesitant to leave me alone but I told them that I will be fine.

So now I am standing here alone but not for long because Mr Williams joined me.

"Why are you standing alone here Mrs Miller," he asked me with a warm smile.

I don't know why but I feel safe with him. And I don't even know him.

"Actually someone was calling them so I told them to go because they were hesitant to leave me alone and please call me Anna," I told him with a smile.

"Oh. Well, congratulation. No offence but aren't you too young to marry anyone" he said with confusion

My eyes widened. Now, what would I tell him? That my parents don't want me that's why they sold me to my husband.

"Umm, it was an arranged marriage. My parents choose him for me." I lied

He gives me a look that said he didn't believe my lie but he doesn't say anything.

"Tell me about your parents and their names," he asked me curiously

"My father is a businessman. My mother owns a boutique. Her name is Sandra Dawson and umm my father name is Alex Dawson" I told him hesitantly.

His eyes widened and he looked shocked like really shocked.

"How old are you, Anna." He asked me quickly.

I frowned at him and said "I am 18 years old Mr Williams "

Before he could say anything jack came and wrapped his arms around my waist.

He dug his fingers on my waist and I winced but quickly covered it with a smile when jack glared at me.

"What are you doing here alone Anna," he asked with a serious face.

"Nothing Mr Miller. I was congratulating Mrs Miller. Sorry but now I have to go." Mr Williams said with a tight-lipped smile and leave us.

"Did you say something to him?" he asked me angrily.

"No, I swear I didn't say anything to him at all," I told him softly

"Good girl Anna and don't forget to Behave" he warned me.

Ace came on the stage with Avril and they announced her pregnancy.

She was glowing and they are looking very happy with this news.

Their baby would be very lucky. He or she will be loved by their family.

I don't care if my husband doesn't love me. I just want him to love my babies.


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