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My Evil Husband by Sweet Mia novel Chapter 73

Anna POV

His red eyes widened and he looked at me stunned. He opened his mouth to say something then closed it.

My decision was already made. I wanted to end this relationship because in this relationship we can't stay happy.

I understand him and his reason to some extent but not fully. I know that he is not that bad but I just can't trust him.

I have to find myself as I am totally lost right now. I really don't know what to do with myself.

I just know that I have to take care of our babies and give them all the love in the world.

But I wouldn't stop him from meeting and staying with our children. 

They are his too and for a fact, I knew that they won't allow me to take them away from their father.

Especially Mia. Sometimes I think that she loves him more than me and I am glad that her father will always care and love her.

"What" he whispered softly 

"I want to end this. We are toxic for each other. We are fucked up in our own ways. We need to end this relationship or whatever it is before we get hurt." I explained softly.

"No, I won't divorce you. I love you and my love is sufficient for us." He said while shaking his head.

I knew that he wouldn't give me divorce easily but today I am not going to lose this battle.

"I will not stay with you, Jack. No matter what. I need time, please. I have to complete my studies and counseling." I muttered softly.

"Don't even think about divorce because I wouldn't give it to you until my last breath. You are going to stay with me and we will raise our babies together." He declared determinedly

I sighed and said "You aren't thinking clearly Jack. Let me clear it."

I took a step away from him and said: "You raped me and I know that it must be under the influence of drugs but still you had done that and I can't forget it."

I wiped the lone tear which was about to fall down and continued "I understand the justification that you had given me but what was the need of using me as bait. You could have used someone else but no you had played with your wife's dignity."

I tasted the salty tears on my lips and wiped it with the back of my hand and looked at him.

He was looking like a crushed person who had lost everything in a short span of time.

His tears started to fall again and he dropped on his knees and I looked at him stunned.

Never had I thought that this arrogant and egoistic Jack would fall on his knees in front of anyone.

And he did that too in front of me. It's absolutely horrific for me to see my husband on his knees.

He did the unexpected thing, he joined his hands in front of me and said "Please don't leave me like my mothers. I don't want to lose you and our babies. Please stay. I love you. I am sorry for whatever sin I had done with you. But don't leave me. Please."

My knees suddenly started to feel weak so I sat down in front of his defeated posture.

His face was hanging downwards and tears were continuously streaming from his eyes and he was still joining his hands.

I moved my trembling hands toward him and clutched his hands and slowly separated them.

"Don't do that. I just can't forgive you. Please understand that I need time. I am not in the right state of mind to forgive you." I let out softly.

I have to make him agree on it so that he will think about the situation and also about me too.

"If you really loved me then please divorce me. I need to find myself and I have to love myself before loving you or anyone. " I tried to explain to him.

"Please." I pleaded with him

He looked at me with hollow eyes. I was scared when I looked into his eyes. They were empty and emotionless.

He raised his hands to cup my cheeks and said "I love you so much. If you want me to divorce you then I will."

"I'll wait for you, Anna. I know that you will come back. And this is the last time I am letting you go." He said and leaned forward.

I closed my eyes and felt his gentle lips on mine. He kissed me gently and poured his emotions in it.

I did nothing and sat like a statue. I really don't know what to do.

He pulled back and said "Kiss me back. For the last time, please."

With that, he captured my lips gently and I kissed him back slowly and clumsily. 

It was not that type of kiss which was filled with lust and anger. Instead, it was sweet and slow.

He pulled back with a groan and said "Leave before I cage you in my arms again. Leave."

I got off of my knees and stood up. My knees were hurting due to sitting on them.

I was about to turn back when I heard "Leave Anna because the next time I will cage you if I ever saw you. Because that time no one can stop me."

I literally ran out of the room and heard the sound of breaking glasses and shattering of a lot of things.

I was worried that maybe he would hurt himself but then I remembered that I am going to be free from this relationship.

But then again I am a human and I can't see anyone in pain even if that person is the person who had abused me.


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