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My Evil Husband by Sweet Mia novel Chapter 81

Warning ⚠️ 

Third Person POV

Jack's heart sank when he saw the pictures on his phone. The view was indeed heartbreaking for him.

He had failed as a father and a brother. He couldn't save his kids and sister.

Just then a call came from an unknown number. With a stiff posture, Jack picked up the call.

He put the phone on his ear and said "Hello, " 

A sinister laugh could be heard from the other side. It was filled with malice and coldness.

"Hello, Jack, " The person on the other end said.

"Where are my sister and my kids?" Jack asked him coldly.

"Tsk tsk where they don't deserve to be." The person replied

"Who the fuck are you?" Jack asked him frustrated.

He could handle everything in his life but he just couldn't handle something happening to his family.

They are his life and that person who had dared to mess with them will regret it for sure.

"I am your hmmm. Well, I think someone else will love to answer your question." The person chuckled darkly

Jack gritted his teeth in rage. That person is not telling him anything and was acting like he was his elder brother.

"Anyways you have to choose between your precious kids and your sister. They are in a different place so think wisely, Jack." The person spoke nonchalantly.

"What do you want?" Jack asked him 

"I want nothing, Jack. So why don't come and save whoever you want? But only one person, babies or sister. Time is running, Jack." The person said the last word darkly.

"You are Maxim," Jack stated

Maxim laughed and said "you found out. Time is running Jack. You don't want me to sell your sister. do you? Or do you want me to kill your children?"

He continued "If not then be quick. Goodbye" 

With that, Maxim cut the call and turned toward his father who was sitting on a bed.

Arnold was looking at Maxim with one eye as the second one is not there anymore.

There was a 5-inch long scar on his face which was due to stitches. His one eye was covered with an eye patch so that no one could see the hollowness inside it.

Artur (Russian Leader) had done a number on him. He had made sure that he won't be able to interfere in his work anymore.

Artur had made a doctor perform a genital removing surgery after cutting dick off.


Artur was a smart man and he loved his wife so much. She was his whole world.

When she left him, he just couldn't control his emotion and in his foolishness, he had believed Arnold.

The web of lies that Arnold had woven was so strong that he got trapped inside it with no way out.

That's when Jack came with proof that it was his friend Arnold who had raped his wife and then killed her.

And made him believe that she had an affair with someone and left with him.

His blood was raging and he wanted to kill someone at that time especially that backstabber Arnold.

But his son, Jack, had told him that he wanted to kill his father. That was his demand.

He had given Jack the benefit of the doubt and agreed with it without any problem.

As per his plan, he had given Jack the fake gun which would only bruise Arnold nothing else.

Jack had shot his father and ran from the door as soon as possible.

'What a pussy,' Artur thought and scoffed.

He then told his man to close the door and walked toward Arnold who was blinking his eyes and wincing in pain.

Artur rolled his eyes and punched him hard on his face and a loud bone-breaking voice could be heard in that silent room.

Arnold screamed and spat the blood on his face and shouted "Fuck you. You hit like a bitch, Artur. This is not what I had taught you."

Arnold was mocking him even after knowing what Artur could do. Still, he was playing with fire.

As he didn't want to show that he was afraid of anyone. He was great and cruel Arnold Miller. 

Showing someone his emotions was not in his dictionary. That what his grandfather had told him that he should not become like his father.

That's why he had killed his father so that he could inherit his business and his property.

"Take him to the basement and do give him my famous treatment. I want to hear his screams." Artur ordered his men and stuffed his hands in his pocket.

They had tortured him, whipped him, lashed him, poured boiling hot and ice cold water alternately. 

They gave him a lot of drugs to keep him awake all the time. They didn't let him sleep for some days.

Chapter 81 1

Chapter 81 2


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