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My Ex-husband Begs Me Back (Ayan and Camille) novel Chapter 37

He exudes a dusty air, he should have just returned, but as soon as he came back, he immediately accompanied Eileen to the hospital, how thoughtful.

Camille murmured to herself.

Ayan looks at the old Simpson: "Grandpa ......."

"Do you still have me as a grandfather in your eyes? I think you want me to die right away."

the old Simpson interrupted him directly.

"Grandpa, I didn't think of it that way, you shouldn't say that."

Ayan explains.

The old Simpson ignored it.

Fletcher quickly comforted: "Dad, you take care of your health, don't get angry with him and hurt yourself." Then he swept a cold glance at Ayan: "Grandpa was discharged from the hospital you said business trip, so what is going on now?"

"I just came back, Eileen is not feeling well to accompany her to see the doctor, I think grandpa side has you and mom and Camille up, so I plan to go back to the Simpson's manson to see grandpa in the evening."

"I don't need to, you must not look at me, you don't look at me maybe I can still live longer." the old Simpson sneered coldly.

Ayan face helpless, in the face of his grandfather's accusations he could not say anything, but silently let the old Simpson relief.

Usually at this time Camille will be the first to speak out to relieve the siege, but today she did not react to anything, the whole silence did not intend to mention Ayan to say a word.

Because she simply does not know what to say, after all, even his business trip is known from the mouth of others, he came back to her even more uninformed.

Camille's silence was taken by the old Simpson as evidence that Ayan was bullying her.

the old Simpson coldly said: "Look, you have broken Cami's heart into what kind, before I said you but a sentence or two she immediately pleaded, now you have chilled her heart, so she is not even willing to speak for you, Ayan , I and your father is this way to teach you to bully your own wife?"

Eileen followed suit, and with a gentle light smile she looked at the crowd and greeted them politely, "Grandpa, Uncle, Auntie."

But no one paid any attention to her.

Eileen pursed her lips and continued, "Grandpa, you were discharged from the hospital today, are you feeling better?"

the old Simpson snorted, "What? Are you hoping I won't be well?"

Eileen immediately commiserated face, feeling particularly uncomfortable, she tried to explain: "Grandpa, I didn't think so, I just ......"

"Okay, okay, don't cry and cry with me, I'm old but not blind, not like some people who are blinded and don't know who is good and who is bad."

The old Simpson connotation is very heavy.

Camille's eyes were straightened, because usually the old Simpson was kind to her, at this moment is completely changed a tone, so she was surprised to.

But I have to say, it is very comfortable to listen to.

Especially when you see Eileen's face stiffened with bitterness and not daring to refute anything.

What a relief.

The atmosphere gradually froze, and only after a long time did Eileen whisper, "Grandpa is sorry, I'm the one who made you unhappy."

"If you know, don't dangle around in front of my eyes again, you stay away from me, I'm dizzy."

Eileen looks to Ayan and expects him to say something for her, but Ayan doesn't respond.

Eileen could only step backwards.

Ayan now said, "Grandpa, there are a lot of people here, I'll have the driver take you back to the Simpson's manson first."

"What? Do you still want to make decisions for me?"

"I didn't mean that."

"Hm, I don't want to know what you mean, you must be there for tonight's dinner or the Simpson family will have no one like you."


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