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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Lucas had married Ashlyn four years ago because of his grandpa. Now that his grandpa had passed away, he should proceed with the divorce procedures.

There was no need to drag it out.

Without waiting for Spencer’s reply, he continued, “No need to wait till then. Tell her I’ll head there now.”

Ashlyn hadn’t even walked out from the villa’s courtyard when she heard Spencer yelling her name. She stopped and saw him running over to stop her in a huff. “Ms. Berry!”


Did Lucas change his mind?

“Mr. Nolan said he can head to the Registry Office now. He told me to give you a ride there.”

“Great! Thank you, Mr. White.”

At the Registry Office, there was no one there at the divorce division late that afternoon.

The whole hall seemed empty and desolate.

After a few minutes, Lucas and Ashlyn walked out with their Certificate of Divorce.

Ashlyn looked up at the unusually blue sky and took in a deep breath of the exceptionally fresh air.

Finally, they had gotten a divorce, ending their marriage, which lasted for four years.

“Where are you going? I can give you a ride.” Lucas’ deep voice rang above her.

Ashlyn shot him a smile. “No need.”

She waved at a Land Rover parked across the street, which immediately zoomed over to them. The car door opened, and a familiar face appeared in their sight.

“Mr. Quickton?” Lucas’ expression darkened. He didn’t even know Ashlyn and Jared Quickton knew each other. Jared Quickton—the president of Centennial Healthcare—was currently single. At that thought, a trace of displeasure flashed across Lucas’ heart.

“Mr. Nolan, long time no see. Thank you for taking care of Ashlyn all this while.” Jared’s mouth quirked in a warm smile as he picked up Ashlyn’s luggage and threw it in the car.

Frowning, Lucas watched as Ashlyn climbed into the passenger seat. No wonder she was so eager to proceed with the divorce. Turns out she has found another man!

Is Jared Quickton hotter than me? Is he richer than me? She... Wait, damn it. Why am I comparing myself to Jared Quickton? There’s nothing to compare!

Strangely, he felt thoroughly upset.

“Mr. Nolan, see you never!” Ashlyn waved at him and grinned brightly.

She will never call me Honey anymore. For the past four years, she was gentle and warm, but I’ve never seen her smile this brightly.

Lucas was stunned by that sight.

Suddenly, he had a hollow, empty feeling in his heart as if something important had just left his life.

As the Land Rover drove away, Spencer came to Lucas carefully and said, “Mr. Nolan, we should leave now.”

Lucas’ handsome face was grim as he got into his car silently and banged the door shut.



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