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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 183

Chapter 183

Damian never expected Lucas to fall out with them just for the sake of a woman. Everyone else gathered here was also utterly shocked by Lucas’s actions. Even Joseph was startled.

Is Lucas always so domineering?

His current attitude was no different than the mad kings of old who led their kingdoms to ruin.

Arching her fine brows, Ashlyn swept a contemptuous look over everyone gathered in the room. She lifted her hand elegantly to cover a yawn. “I’m tired, Lucas. Send me home.”

As soon as she was finished speaking, everyone watched in shock again as Lucas proceeded to stand up slowly and escort her to the entrance.

Joseph rose to his feet as well, shooting an apologetic look at Lyanna. “I promise I’ll explain it to you another time, Lyanna. Damian, you really shouldn’t have insulted Ashlyn like that.”

He left the room. The other escorts accompanying the wealthy men here whispered among themselves jealously, staring enviously at Ashlyn’s retreating figure.

No one could deny that good looks were an unfair advantage.

One of the women whispered, “Hey, she’s called Ashlyn, right? I think I saw her trending again today.”

“Trending where?” Winsor hurriedly pulled his phone out, opening Twitter and scrolling frantically. “Well, I’ll be damned,” he swore in surprise.

“What? What is it?” Everyone started to ask curiously.

Winsor displayed the screen of his phone for them to see, smug as anything. “Our goddess just took a picture with Mr. Field and Chief Chase. She was awarded a silk banner today.”

Everyone else promptly pulled out their phones and started scrolling through Twitter as well.

“Man, I can’t believe she’s so skilled in combat!”

“Dude, forget that! She saved a couple of kids and caught the human trafficker behind the entire thing too!”

“Wow, she really is committed to upholding justice, huh?”

“Well, of course. You don’t see Chief Chase personally handing out silk banners every day, do you? That would already be cool enough, but she got a photo op with Mr. Field too!”

“Okay, but what about her origins? She can be the new female avenger, but that won’t necessarily mean that she comes from an upstanding family,” a woman said. Her comment sparked another wave of heated discussion from the crowd.

Standing alone in front of her magnificent cake, Lyanna could only fume impotently. It was her birthday today.

She was supposed to be the center of attention. Everyone was supposed to be gathering here to celebrate her birthday.

How dare everybody just ignore me like that?

They were all talking about Ashlyn. Even if the other woman was no longer in the room, she still managed to snatch the spotlight away from Lyanna.

Lyanna’s birthday party was all but ruined now, thanks to Ashlyn.

Cursing Ashlyn’s name bitterly, Lyanna grabbed her bag and stormed out of the private room in a huff, slamming the door behind her.


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