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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Bayview Villa.

Ashlyn exited the car with the box and headed into her study room.

She began fiddling around with the laptop.

The laptop looked the same as it was before an hour ago, except that all its parts had been switched out. A super computer was born.

She tested its performance. The laptop booted within a second. Then, she tested its frame rate.

“As expected of the latest CPU and hard drive.”

With a smile, Ashlyn jotted down the configurations of her newly assembled device and sent them to a middle-aged man via WhatsApp.

Here you go.

The middle-aged man chuckled in delight upon receiving the text and replied with a voice note. “Wow, kiddo. You used all the parts perfectly and maximized the laptop’s potential. Great! I’m going to produce them now.”

“Don’t forget to split the gains,” Ashlyn responded.

“Of course.”

At this moment, the middle-aged man no longer looked ashen and disheveled. Now dressed in a top-grade custom-tailored suit and seated in a pure leather office chair, he forwarded the configuration blueprint to his assistant.

“Produce all our company’s new devices according to this blueprint,” he instructed the assistant coolly.

The latter’s eyes widened as he glanced at the blueprint. “This... This will unleash the full potential of our newest parts!”


All the parts were new, but no matter how they configured them, the end products only performed 20% better than the latest computers on the market.

This company was a manufacturer and retailer of high-end computers.

These new configurations would maximize their parts in the most effective ways possible.

If the company were to release a computer like this to the market, every tech geek would surely want one.

He could already picture the sales amount the company would make.

“Did the mysterious Cornelius do this?” the assistant asked, remaining stunned.

“Of course. Only Cornelius has such skills.” The middle-aged man beamed with joy at the mention of Ashlyn.

He then sighed emotionally. “I’m so lucky to have met such a young talent.”

The chairman was only ever this happy when he spoke of Cornelius.

Not even the president can make him smile like this.

The assistant grumbled internally before replying with respect, “I shall inform the R&D department now, Sir.”

“Go on,” the middle-aged man said with a wave of his hand. Then, he happily switched on the Bluetooth speaker on his office desk and played an opera.

The man shook his head in glee as the music of opera resonated in the office.


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