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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 241

Chapter 241

She paused before continuing, “The results of the ballot are out. Those of you who are unsatisfied with the program you drew, don’t even think about changing roles with others. With me as the director, I won’t allow such abuse of power to happen on this stage!”

When the other co-producers heard that Pierre would be in charge of the dance routines, they were stunned.

So he’s really here to teach...

The choreographer’s eyes were bright as she stared at Ashlyn. “Ms. Berry, could I consult Mr. Pierre as well?”

“Of course.” Ashlyn nodded.

“Wonderful!” The other woman exclaimed in joy.

Just then, Pierre entered with his team. Each of the members of his team were incredibly capable dancers.

Thus, the first day of practice began.

Everyone had their own part to play and would need to give it their all if they wanted the entire program to be a success.

Janet Smith was completely exhausted.

The play she was practicing for was about anti-corruption and she was acting as a young director who kept a lot of secrets from her superiors and subordinates.

Her role was an important character and Ashlyn was extremely demanding about how the character should be.

Janet was less than pleased when she discovered she had to act in this play. It was not as glorious and amazing as having a solo singing performance.

An hour of practice later and she plonked herself down in a chair grumpily. Her tone was annoyed as she complained, “That’s it! I’m so tired!”

“Is that so? Then I’ll just have to find you a replacement. I guess your department would send another person over right away.” With that said, Ashlyn took out her phone.

Janet’s temper flared. She was tired, thirsty and all she wanted to do was rest. “Who do you think you are? Don’t assume yourself as some hotshot official who can boss everybody around just because of who you know! Let me tell you, my grandfather is - “

Ashlyn cut her off, “I don’t care who your grandfather is. As long as you’re here, you’ll have to listen to me. You’re Janet Smith, right? I can always just switch you out for another actor.”

Realizing Ashlyn was not going to give in so easily, Janet changed her tactic. “Who wrote this damn play anyway? It’s so terrible!”


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