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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 244

Chapter 244

“Yes. One of your local idols, Aiden, is particularly good at it. I like him.” Despite being a Frenchman, Pierre answered in fluent English.

He had danced with Aiden several times before. The young man was handsome and talented. Most importantly, he was a hardworking and resilient man. He would definitely achieve great things in future.

“Aiden really is a very diligent man.” Ashlyn agreed. The mere mention of the man had her eyes sparkling brightly.

Suddenly, all the lights turned off and the restaurant was plunged into darkness. The only source of light came from a neon green sign showed where the emergency exit was.

The customers were stunned at first before dissatisfied murmuring broke out.

“What’s going on?”

“Is it a blackout?”

“Maybe something’s wrong with the power?”

“What a way to ruin the mood!”

The lobby manager hurried over to appease the customers.

Even with his best efforts, there were still a lot of unhappy customers. “We waited so long for a chance to eat here yet now there’s no electricity!”

“What is the hotel management doing?”

“I made my reservation ten days beforehand to get a table!”

“I booked it eight days ahead.”

Ashlyn knitted her brows and told Pierre, “Excuse me. I’ll go talk to the manager.”

She stood up and took out her phone to turn on the flashlight.

Making her way over to the manager, who was still trying to placate everyone, she said, “Send some staff out to buy candles and turn this into a candlelight dinner for everybody. Also, tell the kitchen staff to use the backup generator and ensure that the customers’ food is delivered in a timely manner.”

The manager wiped at the sweat beading on his forehead. “Yes, Ms. Berry. Right away.”

Next, she raised her voice slightly, “Everyone, please be patient. The Imperial Hotel will definitely bring you a wonderful dining experience. I’m the resident singer here. Now, I would like to sing a song for all of you. Those of you who know this song are welcomed to join in, alright?”

While the customers continued to make a fuss, they suddenly heard a crisp and clear voice singing.

Woah, my love, my darling

I’ve hungered for your touch

A long, lonely time

And time goes by so slowly

And time can do so much


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