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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 277

Chapter 277

All of the passengers were irritated by the news.

They started throwing tantrums and even cursed at the cabin crew.

Nancy jogged toward the cockpit.

Lucas and Fred were used to such instances that occurred with turbulence and knew what Nancy was about to say.

Before she could speak, Lucas put on a stern expression, “The control tower will either ignore us or say they don’t know when the turbulence will end. We’ll have to wait for the tower to contact us again.”

“Got it. In that case, can I trouble you to address the passengers, Captain Nolan?” Nancy requested. She knew Lucas’ work style well.

The captain nodded.

Ashlyn sat at her seat idly while the other passengers continued grumbling and whining.

At this moment, Nancy stepped out of the cockpit and Lucas’ voice came from the PA system.

The man’s coarse and charming voice announced the news of the turbulence over the PA.

His charismatic voice quelled the unrest amongst the passengers.

Ashlyn even noticed an eighteen-year-old girl squeal excitedly, “Kyaa, his voice is amazing! He should be a singer!”

Thanks to Lucas’ broadcast, the entire cabin became a lot of quieter.

Ashlyn rested her head on her hands and raised an eyebrow.

This man can even charm people with his voice alone. What a useful skill.

Half an hour passed.

The saliency effect of Lucas’ announcement slowly faded with time and the passengers grew unsettled once again.

“Didn’t you say that we would take off in an hour? It’s already been half an hour! Why are we still waiting?” A middle-aged woman roared at Nancy impatiently.

“What on earth is going on? Get your captain out here!” A young man bellowed.


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