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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 284

Chapter 284

Ashlyn’s heart skipped a beat.

She moved to push him away but he grabbed her hand. “We still have one whole day and night to spend with each other. Let’s make it count.”

His voice was husky, belying his desire to ravage her here out in nature.

The timbre of it was intoxicating like a glass of red wine. It was quiet where they were, with nothing but the sounds of nature. Occasionally, a breeze would whisper through the leaves and set them rustling.

Ashlyn allowed herself to be held to him tightly.

His hug was warm and encompassing, showing her his strength and filling her with a sense of security.

They were supposed to be divorced yet at that moment, with how intimate the embrace felt, it was easy to think they were still a happily married couple.

What irony!

Suddenly, the faint sounds of music could be heard.

Ashlyn’s eyes widened in astonishment when she noticed the fountain that burst to life in the middle of the lake.

There was a musical fountain here!

As the spray of water rose higher and higher, colorful lights lit up the display.

In an instant, the air above the lake became a shimmering screen of sparkling water and rainbow colors that danced and weaved together. It was absolutely breathtaking!

The bright lights also illuminated the clear waters of the lake, showing the fish darting around underneath like silver bullets.

Up above, the moon hung in a clear and starry night sky. The twinkling stars shone down on them, joining in the mesmerizing display going on in the lake.

Lucas’ fingers gently tilted the delicate face up to meet his gaze. His voice was low as he questioned, “Do you like it?”

With how close they were, Ashlyn could distinctly see the thick eyelashes of the man before her.

Abruptly, a pair of lips crashed down on hers and plundered her mouth.

The smell that was purely him saturated her senses and she could not help trembling...

There was a two-story cabin beside the lake.

Sweeping her into his arms, Lucas strode toward it.

Before Ashlyn could get a chance to look at the interior, Lucas had already brought her up to the bedroom on the second floor. He tossed her onto the soft bed, causing her to bounce slightly.

It was then she realized the roof was made of transparent glass. From her reclined position on the bed, she could clearly see the starry skies above.


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