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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 313

Chapter 313

He was sitting around casually, going through the content on his laptop. Once he detected the woman’s gaze, he raised his head and looked in the direction of Ashlyn.

Ashlyn, who was about to get him to join her for a late supper, exchanged glances with him.

The handsome man’s glistering pair of eyes flickered. He was enshrouded by the gentle shimmer as he sat in the well-illuminated space.

Consequently, the outstanding features on Lucas’ face were highlighted, distinguishing the man’s stunning visual.

Ashlyn’s heart skipped a beat upon detecting the man’s gentle gaze because she was on the verge of falling for him all over again.

Lucas stared at the woman in the eyes for a few seconds before turning around, putting the laptop he had with him aside, asking, “Honey, is it time to eat?”


Ashlyn took a deep breath and calmed herself down with all her might. She placed her hands on her burning cheeks before returning to the kitchen to get the cutlery.

Finally, they took their seats in the dining hall.

All of a sudden, Ashlyn’s heart pounded furiously because things had gotten odd between them.

Obviously, Ashlyn felt uncomfortable due to the man’s behavior.

The scent of the delicacies prepared permeated throughout the dining hall, inducing the lovely pairs to dig in.

Ever since Lucas took his seat, he had his eyes glued to Ashlyn. He went all out and showed her the affection he had for her through physical manifestation.

“Honey, thank you for preparing such a scrumptious meal.” Once again, the man broke the silence, asking with a husky voice before Ashlyn could express her feeling.

She took a peek, whining, “Let’s cut the crap and dig in, shall we?”

Lucas smirked, digging in as instructed, occasionally glancing at Ashlyn who was opposite him in an intimate manner.

The usually penetrating gaze of Lucas was nowhere to be found because he had always been a loving man whenever Ashlyn was around him. “Honey, do you like to get involved in charitable events?”

Although they were divorced a long time ago, Ashlyn had gotten used to him addressing her in such an intimate manner.

Previously, she would correct him and instruct him to address her in a different manner, but she couldn’t be bothered by it anymore as she had gotten used to it.

“Not really, but I don’t mind involving myself in one either,” Ashlyn replied nonchalantly.

Lucas lowered his gaze, thinking about the time Ashlyn donated the fortune he had bestowed upon to build a school in his name.

He was shocked and surprised because never would he have thought Ashlyn would forsake such a huge fortune.

After all, there weren’t many people in the world who would be able to remain sane, especially when a fortune worthy of a few hundred million showed up from nowhere.


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