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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 336

Chapter 336

With a loud bang!

The door crashed to the ground, and the man who tried to rape Janet collapsed as blood spurted from his mouth and nose.

The air was swiftly filled with the metallic smell of blood.

Ashlyn briefly eyed the man who was shrieking in pain disdainfully. “What a weakling.”

Her tone was lazy and gentle, like soft clouds in the sky.

However, the words she uttered next were downright cruel.

“What if I chop off your hands instead? Don’t worry, I’m a fair person. I’ll only chop off the hand that has touched her before.”

The tanned, plump man widened his eyes in shock and disbelief.

Ashlyn was just standing casually in her simple black outfit, yet she exuded the vibe of a strong woman in a superior position.

She was cold and powerful.

Sweat began to pour at the spine of the tanned, plump man.

Who is this woman? Why is she so strong?

“Why? The cat got your tongue? Or are you scared now?”

Ashlyn approached the man slowly, her hands were now playing with a razor-sharp dagger.

Before the man could react, the dagger flashed under the light and dug deep into his palm!

The poor man yelled in pain as his warm blood shot out immediately from his palm and splattered on the wall beside him.

Ashlyn pulled out the dagger as soon as she stabbed him.

Just when the man thought his torture had ended, the dagger stabbed yet again into his palm.

The poor man begged in agony as sweat poured over him. “Ahh! That’s so Painful! Ahhhh! Please let me go!”

However, Ashlyn ignored him and continued stabbing his hand like it was an interesting toy made for stabbing.

After a few more rounds of stabbing, Ashlyn shook her head scornfully at the sight of his minced hand. “You’re way too weak. It’s just a bit of pain, and you can’t even take it.”

Her lips curled into a sadistic smile before approaching Janet, who was so shocked by the whole ordeal that she had ceased crying.

Completely stunned, Janet couldn’t tear her eyes off Ashlyn as she looked at the woman in black like she had just known her.

It’s Ashlyn... it’s Ashlyn who came to save me!

All this while, I thought it would be the cops or Grandpa and Dad who would come to save me. But I never expect that Ashlyn would be the one to find me first!


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