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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 382

Chapter 382

The woman in the picture looked malnourished and thin.

She also looked depressed and was a huge contrast compared to the other smiling women.

However, Alice was born beautiful, so she still looked amazing in the photo, despite being sick.

Ashlyn’s heart couldn’t help thumping wildly.

“How did you get this photo? Where is the woman in the photo? Where is she right now? Is she still in your village?” asked Ashlyn, who could barely contain her emotions at that moment.

Mom... The woman in the photo has to be my mother!

Ashlyn was sure that she hadn’t made a mistake.

“Dr. Berry, this photo was taken on the year I got married. The village organized an event, and we took a group photo. It has been over a decade since the photo was taken. The woman in the photo is no longer around.” Cadence shook her head.

“She’s no longer around? D-do you mean she has passed away?” asked Ashlyn.

All her excitement and happiness had faded in an instance.

“She hasn’t passed. She simply left one day without a word. The guy who bought her said that he sold her to someone else. May I know who she is to you?” asked Cadence curiously.

“She might be my mother,” answered Ashlyn as her eyes reddened. She later took a deep breath to regain her composure and asked, “Cadence, can you tell me the year she went missing?”

Cadence thought about it for a while before answering, “That was over a decade ago. Let me think... It’s... Uhm... Thirteen years ago? Yeah. I got married that year, so it’s thirteen years ago.”

Thirteen years ago, Ashlyn was only nine years old, but she clearly remembered that her mom died in a car accident when she was eight.

My mom didn’t die then? Instead, she ended up in that village? What exactly happened all those years ago?

Ashlyn’s mind was a mess.

She didn’t understand what could’ve happened, and she didn’t know if her mom was still alive at that moment.

Someone bought her... Who would buy a random woman from an unknown villager?

The more Ashlyn thought about it, the more her head hurt.

It was as if an invisible hand had tossed her brain in a small sack and was trying its best to stuff it in.

Car accident, survival, sold....

Ashlyn felt like she needed to take the time to analyze everything.



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