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My Fabulous Girl Boss by Evergreen novel Chapter 340

Chapter 340

“I was too careless. I should have kept them alive to question them about the Titanium Technique’s source…” Kayson heaved a sigh. He wondered if Steelification Doyen’s powerful barrier technique was passed down to him by some formidable mentor.

Initially, he was afraid that he would leave behind powerful enemies that would put the Wolfendens in deep trouble after returning to the countryside. That was why he had kept Lincoln alive.

He wanted to draw in Lincoln’s mentor so he could eliminate the source of the problem. Yet, it would be quite troublesome if Steelification Doyen had some sort of mentor as his backer.

“I should ask Lincoln about this. He’s Steelification Doyen’s mentee, so he should know a thing or two…”

Kayson checked the other objects and discovered some medication to cure injuries and also a few debit cards. He had no lack of money these days, so he did not pay too much attention to that.

Kayson trained for a while and realized that it was time to eat. He prepared to return to the Wolfenden residence

However, he suddenly received a call from an unknown number and was astonished when he picked it up. It was actually Sean’s younger sister, Queenie! Kayson exclaimed, “You want to buy me a meal? Why?” Queenie said, “As a token of my appreciation, can I?” Kayson chuckled and did not decline the offer. “Sure!” As soon as he hung up, Sadie called him. “Why didn’t you pick up my call earlier?” Kayson said, “I put my phone on silent mode accidentally.” “I heard from Captain Yeager that someone came to make trouble at the company this afternoon. Have you dealt with it?”


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