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My Fabulous Girl Boss by Evergreen novel Chapter 794

Chapter 794 Jude nodded in feigned sternness, but his eyes glowed when they landed on Naomi. LL “This is Living Reaper’s mentee, Ms.

Naomi Lynn? I've heard of your name in Metrocity.” Naomi greeted politely, “Nice to meet you, Mr.

Held.” Jude asked flatly, “Why don't you work in Metrocity?” His tone was kind of strict,almost like he was questioning Naomi.

While Naomi did not like the tone, she replied nonetheless, “I’m fond of my hometown and thought I should come back and serve with what I’ve gained.” Jude did notseem to appreciate her thoughts as he commented disdainfully , “Fool.

You can only showcase your abilities to the best in Metrocity.

"With Living Reaper's reputation, your opportunities and payment in Metrocity will be much better than regular people.

"You can't even judge which place is more suitable for your growth? I wonder what your mentor teaches you.

“Somewhere so backward like Skyriv versus Metrocity …

This is the difference between a city and a village!" Naomi was upset.

Her reply of being fond of her hometown was not a remark made in passing just to answer Jude.

She genuinely thought so.

After all, many Admiralporium subsidiaries had tried recruiting her, and the offers made were higher one after another-she would haveagreed then! It went without saying that she could barely hold it in when Jude insulted Skyriv like this.

Perhaps Felicity noticed her emotional change as she went up to hold her palm.

It calmed Naomi enough from lashing out, but she stayed rooted without speaking another word.

Felicity asked awkwardly, “Mr.

Held, I'll take Naomi in to check on Captain Wolke's injury first.” “As you wish,” Jude replied indifferently.

He glanced at Kayson and ignored him because he assumed young people in Admiralporium around the latter’s age were useless and required no more attention from him.


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