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My Fair Stunner novel (Faye and Colin) novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184 After All, It's Different

Each of Faye's words was realistic. Fanny pursed her lips and nodded.

In addition to being hard-working, what Faye liked about Fanny was her being able to appreciate what was good.

For advice that was good for her, she would listen and follow them seriously.

After talking about work, Faye's tone softened a little, "What is the situation between you and Ralph?"

Fanny blushed as Faye mentioned Ralph, "We're still dating."

Faye remained silent for a moment. Then, she said, "I recently made a brief understanding of your family's situation. Your parents had divorced, and each got married again when you were three. You grew up with your grandmother."

Fanny replied, "Yes."

Faye said, "To grow up in such a background without being influenced by your parent's marriage, it's good and rare."

Fanny looked at Faye with surprise, "Ms. Nash, you're okay for me to be in a relationship with Ralph?"

Faye smiled, "I won't object. It's also okay if you want to announce your relationship with Ralph to the public."

Fanny was delighted.

Looking at Fanny's smile, Faye continued speaking, "I agree to let you disclose your relationship, but what about Ralph? Does he agree?"

The smile on Fanny's face froze.

Faye didn't want to discourage Fanny from her relationship. She didn't know Ralph well, and she didn't want to jump to conclusions about his personality.

However, there were things that she still needed to say.

It could be taken as helping Fanny to be mentally prepared. If something bad really happens in the future, she wouldn't be dejected because of her relationship during the rising stage of her career.

As Faye finished her words, she didn't continue the conversation as she saw Fanny being quiet. After giving some advice regarding tomorrow's audition, Faye left.

When Faye came out of Fanny's room, Rex followed her with a smile to send her off.

While waiting for the elevator, Rex took the advantage and said in a low voice, "Ms. Nash, actually, I don't agree Fanny dating with Ralph."

Faye's expression was indifferent, "Then, can you stop her?"

Rex pouted, "I can't."

Faye said, "Since we can't stop her, it's useless to say anything more."

Rex said, "Fanny this girl is usually quite obedient, but I don't know why she's so stubborn this time."

Faye looked at the closed elevator door with a calm expression, "Don't worry about things you can't interfere with. Go do what you can do."

Rex paused a while after hearing Faye's words. Then, he smiled, "Ms. Nash, I think you're more suitable to be an agent than me."

Faye responded, "I have no interest in becoming an agent."

After finished speaking, when Rex was still thinking about how to respond, the elevator door opened. Faye stepped into the elevator.

Rex stood in front of the elevator door and was stunned for a few seconds. Seeing that the door was about to close, he let out an unnatural smile.


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