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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 204

Chapter 204 

Skye’s just being polite. You need to work harder!Gloria stepped in to spare Skylar’s blushes

Joe walked over and sat directly beside Skylar

He casually glanced at the TV. The variety show featured men and women mingling. and flirting over dinner

In his eyes, none of the male contestants could compare to him, and of course, none of the women could compare to Skylar

Gloria noticed how naturally Joe sat beside Skylar, and she gave him a knowing wink

When had they become so close? Gloria had seen through Joe’s earlier pretense, but now he seemed different. He clearly enjoyed being near Skylar

After all, at Joe’s age, all young men were probably thinking about women and looking for a companion. It seemed he had also finally reached that point

Skylar, who had been casually discussing the show with Gloria, now felt self- conscious with Joe sitting so close to her

Gloria glanced at the clock and shooed them away. It’s getting late. You two should head home. You guys have an early appointment tomorrow. Don’t stay up too late tonight.” 

Alright.Both of them nodded

As they left, Gloria turned to Edgar and said, Do you think I can have a great- grandchild by next year?” 

Yes, I suppose. You can see that Mr. Martin has feelings for Mrs. Martin,Edgar replied

On top of being older and more experienced, Edgar had watched Joe grow up. So, he knew that Joe wouldn’t/speak unnecessarily

But earlier, Joe’s gaze had been fixed on Skylar, and he had even teased hera clear sign of interest

However, it remained to be seen how Joe viewed his own feelings

Gloria chuckled. I agree. By the way, keep an eye on the Silver family. If they up with schemes to disrupt Joe and Skylar’s relationship, let me know.” 

Gloria hadn’t expected to have to worry about Joe’s love life at this age


Don’t worry, Mrs. Martin Senior. I believe Mr. Martin has already dealt with it. I’ve seen Ms. Silver before, though. She seemed smart and was working as a TV host

She should have had a better wit, but her actions were disappointing,Edgar said

Rumors had circulated before, but Edgar hadn’t paid much attention to them or informed Gloria about them. In Jipsburg City, many sought connections with the Martin family, but few had been this bold

I will never forgive them if they ruin Joe and Skylar’s relationship!Gloria huffed

Skylar and Joe went back home together, Joe drove her car while a driver took his car back for him


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