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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 406

Chapter 406 

Kenry pondered for a moment before saying, We need to tell Mom and Dad about this.” 

if it truly were Joe, his assistance would completely alleviate their current predicament. Everything troubling them could be effortlessly resolved

No, I need confirmation first. Three mistakes in a rowif we get this wrong again, Joe’s anger might fall upon our family, and we’ll be done for in Jipsburg City.Kenny quickly turned cautious again

Maisy gave a firm nod. Your concern is valid, Kenny.” 

After that, they made love once more

As dawn approached, Kenny quietly returned to his room. Passing by Sadie’s room, he heard pained gasps coming from within, He hesitated, contemplating whether to check on her

However, the thought of potential trouble deterred him. After all, Sadie had just had surgery, and some pain was to be expected. Besides, she might be exaggerating

He quickly dismissed the thought and went back to sleep. After waking up, he intended to go to the company and hand in his resignation

Meanwhile, Sadie lay in bed, wideeyed and unable to sleep in the dim light. The constant pain made her feel like giving up

Throughout the day, no one from her family had visited her, and it shocked her that they hadn’t heard her complaints. Only the maid had briefly checked in

But the maid was overworked and couldn’t provide proper care

Scenes from her dreams resurfaced. She vividly recalled how they had ignored Skylar’s situation, just like they were doing to her now, or even worse. At least the maid visited Sadie, while in her dreams, they dismissed the maid whenever she tried to help Skylar

Sadie wondered if this was karma. After all, Skylar’s accident was her fault, yet they ignored her. Even in reality, since Skylar’s return, Sadie hadn’t shown her an ounce of kindness, bordering on mistreatment

Sadie began sobbing. KKarma. This is my retributionThey will get theirs too!she almost screamed, the vast silence amplifying her words

Everyone in the house practically heard her outburst. However, they feigned ignorance. Their patience with Sadie was wearing thin

Jeffery cursed inwardly, Fuck your karma!” 

Sadie had constantly tormented others; she was her own karma! That was why the accident happened to her, not someone else


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