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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 702

Chapter 702 

Half an hour later, Natalie tried calling Skylar again. However, there was still no answer. Worried, she went to the Martin Group and found Paul. After checking with Joe, Paul informed her that Skylar was in the hospital

Natalie rushed over, her heart pounding. When she reached the hospital, she found Skylar’s ward quickly

Wow, you were in such a serious car accident!Paul had mentioned it 

was a car crash

Skylar, however, downplayed the severity. It’s nothing serious,she insisted, her smile strained

Nothing serious?Natalie was skeptical, given the visible injuries on Skylar’s forehead and hand

Skylar had always been cautious and diligently followed traffic rules. It was hard to believe she could have been in such a serious accident

How bad is it?Natalie asked, worried about scars. Skylar’s face was too precious for even a minor one

It looks worse than it is. With proper care, there won’t be a scar.” 

You’re too calm about this. I’m more worried than you. Did your phone get damaged too?Natalie sat down beside her

It broke in the crash. I’ve already ordered a new one. It should be here 


They were alone in the ward, so they chatted easily

Natalie’s eyes darted around the room before she casually brought up Joe. How’s Joe treating you?” 

Despite the accident, Joe’s mind was still on work. He was undeniably


Skylar smiled. He’s been great.” 

Natalie noticed a shift in Skylar’s expression at the mention of Joe 

A realization dawned on Natale. It was clear to Natalie that Skylar had feelings for Joe, even if others couldn’t see it 

Natalie gave Skylar a teasing glance and asked, Have you caught feelings for Joe?

Though they were married, Skylar had always said their relationship was more like that of a roommate without spmantic feelings

Sharing a home as mere cohabitants without any emotional bond, would feel quite empty if they had no romance feelings 

Natalie thought about her own complicated situation with Jeremy, and her teasing smile faded. Forget it. I won’t complicate things for you. Anyway, I was so warned I even went to the Martin Group, and now I’m starving. Did Dr. Stone say what you can eat? Let me order us something” 

Natalie, her mood lifting again, pulled out her phone to browse food delivery options 

It’s almost noon, and I’m getting hungry too. I can eat most things, but i need to avoid spicy, fired, and strmulating foods like seafood,Skylar 


Due to her injuries, spicy and greasy foods could hinder her healing, so she 

had to be careful with her diet 

Natalie modded. Alright, I’ll find something for us. Not to brag, but I’m very familiar with these delivery apps and have a bunch of discount coupons


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