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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77 

Several people around Joe, who were reporting their progress on work tasks, noticed his sudden change in demeanor. Frightened, they became more cautious in their speech

Paul hadn’t noticed anything earlier, but now he couldn’t believe his eyes. Sitting at the only occupied table in the restaurant nearby was Skylar 

What were the odds of that happening

He stole a glance at Joe’s expression. It was quite intimidating. Did Joe and Skylar have a fight? He still 

seemed angry with Skylar 

Even though Paul hadn’t interacted much with Skylar, she seemed very amicable. Could Joe’s anger be related to the photos he had sent him before

After finishing their stew, Natalie insisted on taking Skylar somewhere nice to show her what real men 

were like. But just as they got into the car, Natalie’s phone rang

Yes, honey?” 

My mom isn’t feeling well. Can you go check on her? I’m on a business trip in Haulbus and can’t come back right now.Jeremy’s voice came through the phone

Natalie frowned. You went to Haulbus?” 

I arrived this morning. I’ll be back the day after tomorrow, Jeremy replied indifferently before hanging up

Natalie stared at her phone in a daze

Realizing Skylar was beside her, she snapped out of it and apologized, Sorry, Skye, we can’t go today.” 

Next time, then. I’ll drive you home.Skylar sensed Natalie’s change in mood

That phone call had clearly dampened her friend’s usually cheerful demeanor

Skylar had met Natalie’s husband, Jeremy Hughes, before. They had known each other since childhood and had grown up in the same area

Despite their differing family backgrounds, with Jeremy’s family becoming welloff later on, their prearranged marriage still bound them together

Jeremy, three years older than Natalie, had always taken care of her, so they got married shortly after Natalie graduated

If there were any issues, they were likely just minor spats between the couple

After dropping Natalie off at Hughes Residence, Skylar noticed a store still open and decided to buy two 

sets of men’s clothing


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