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My Flirtacious Husband (Genevieve and Armand) novel Chapter 266

Cooper keenly sensed that it was merely an excuse made up by Armand, but he didn’t ask further. Instead, he signed the document right away.

“Why?” Genevieve queried in puzzlement.

Playing with a Rubik’s cube, Timothy drawled, “Why else could it be? Armand previously drew up a will, leaving all his shares of Central Group to Marilyn’s children. Later, he must have felt that something would happen if he gave so many shares to them, so he had me and Cooper buy some from him.”

Genevieve could understand Armand selling his shares of Central Group to Timothy, but she couldn’t fathom why he could do the same to Cooper.

Just as she was deep in contemplation while sipping coffee, the conference room door was pushed open. Steven tossed Mirrin in unceremoniously.

Then, he shut the door firmly.

Mirrin stumbled forward a few steps forward. When she regained her footing, she immediately glanced back over her shoulder at Steven.

A hint of displeasure stained her alluring face. “I’m Armand’s biological mother! I won’t show you an iota of mercy the next time you drag around me like that!”

It was as though Steven didn’t hear her, for he merely kept guard at the conference room door with an icy expression.

Fluffing her hair, Mirrin headed toward Genevieve smilingly. “My dear daughter-in-law, I just knew that you must have something to discuss with me that you asked someone to bring me here alone. Well, go on and say it. Are you planning to give me shares or money?”

While asking that, she pulled out the chair on her left and sat down.

Genevieve automatically ignored the woman’s address of her. In an even voice, she questioned, “Why did you take the initiative to make an appearance before the media and reveal that you’re Armand’s biological mother?”

Twirling a finger around her curly chestnut hair, Mirrin lazily leaned back against the chair.

“For the money, of course! Just imagine this. You gave birth to a son, and he grew up to be a billionaire. Wouldn’t you want to tell the whole world that he’s your son when he’s so capable? Even if you don’t, I do! I never thought that my only son actually turned out to be so incredible! God has really blessed me greatly!” she gushed joyfully.


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