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My Gorgeous Aunty novel Chapter 36

Although the BMW Giovanna drove was not a sports car, it could accelerate to about sixty miles in five seconds, and just as it was about to hit him, she stepped on the brake to grind the tires on the ground with an uncomfortable squealing sound......

Haha, this bastard would definitely be scared out of his wits, understand the serious consequences of provoking Giovanna, and dare not to bully her again in the future.

After making up her mind, Giovanna quietly drove the car seven or eight meters behind Sebastian, and was about to accelerate when he suddenly jumped to the side.

Sebastian had the biggest secret of all.

There was a piercing chill hiding inside his body.

Every time a crisis plummeted, the piercing chill would rise in time to alert him.

Even the piercing chill, which was too late to warn him when he was in danger would take control of his body in an instant and allow him to escape dangers he otherwise couldn't avoid.

Sebastian could be sure that this piercing chill was not a premonitory nerve that everyonbe had, but a......

What was that?

Whatever it was.

Anyway, as long as it could help Sebastian escape danger, he didn’t bother to go to the root of the matter?

Let's call it a magical warning for now.

At this moment, the magical warning once again played its role. The moment Sebastian felt the piercing coldness, he immediately jumped to the road side behind the lamppost, and looked back suddenly at Giovanna's eyes with a cold killing intent.

The moment four eyes met, Giovanna, who was sitting in the car, trembled slightly, and her right foot, which was stepping on the accelerator, lifted up like a spring.

The engine, which had just made a roaring sound, immediately returned to normal and the car was eased to the curb.

Giovanna looked forward, faking a very cold face, raised her right hand and hooked her delicate index finger.

Sebastian immediately came over and asked with a smile.

“Hello, beautiful girl, what I can do for you?"

Giovanna bristled.

"Get in if you want, I'm leaving if you don’t."

"In what?

How improper it is to get into you……your car in the daylight."

After deliberately saying words loudly and attracting a few passers-by to look over, Sebastian grabbed the door in time to open it and got into the car before Giovanna sped up

He should never waste money on a taxi just because he was trying to be a mouthful.

Once the car started moving, Giovanna said,

"Today I will formally appoint you as a chauffeur to the President of the company."

"Thank you, Boss Giovanna."

Immediately, Sebastian's face was full of gratitude as he then asked.

"What about my monthly salary?"

While raising her hand to gather the hair at her temples and revealing her delicate ear, Giovanna asked

"How much do you want?"

Sebastian opened his mouth and said.

"One hundred thousand dollars."

The corners of Giovanna's mouth pursed, but she nodded.

"Okay, one hundred thousand."

Sebastian didn't expect her to agree and was a bit surprised,

"You don't think it too much?"

Giovanna gave him a look and replied.

"Judging by your reaction of asking for a hundred thousand without even thinking about, that's about what you should have been earning at the clubhouse before."

After hearing her mention the club again, implying that he was a gigolo, Sebastian was a bit depressed.

But he didn't bother to explain anything to her.

As the saying goes, those who are clear are clear, and those who are turbid are turbid.

Giovanna didn't wait for his retort and said in a sincere tone.

"Sebastian, although I hate you and hope that you're dead,

you have helped me a lot after all. I hope you will take the right path and steer yourself away from those crooked deeds in the future......"

Sebastian interrupted her.

"You might as well offer me eight thousand dollars every monthly."

Giovanna was a little surprised and blinked her wide open eyes. She had no idea why he had taken the initiative to drastically reduce his salary.

Sebastian lazily replied.

"That way, you won't have to act like an elder and teach me how to behave."

Giovanna's face was filled with incredulity,

"You're offering to take a pay cut just because I ask you to behave properly?"

Sebastian yawned and closed his eyes, his head tilted on the car door.

Giovanna understood his intention, and coldly grunted in anger. She didn’t bother to care him, and her foot stamped down on the accelerator


The BMW let out a low growl and moved forward quickly.

It was extra easy to be the President's chauffeur, just keep his cell phone open and be on call.

And Sebastian could totally lie in his aunt's suite whenever he wanted, watch a porn movie, learn some new tricks from the Japanese in the porn movie, and never be blamed.

But Sebastian was the kind of person who would be itchy if he didn't find something to do after sleeping, plus Giovanna was especially busy today and didn't have time to talk with him, so he left the Director's office knowingly and went to the PR department to look for Penelope.

The presence of Sebastian made entire female employees in the PR department instantly delightful,

Except for Emiliano.

After seeing him coming, Emiliano forced a smile and greeted before finding an excuse to avoid him.

All day long, Sebastian was soaking in the nest of beautiful women, feeling that his life was particularly fulfilling.

He even had the idea to replace Emiliano in his position, but considering that Penelope was also here, there would be many inconveniences, so he forgot it.

The fullness of life always went by extra fast.

As if in the blink of an eye, it was time to knock off in the afternoon.

After making an appointment with Penelope to go to her house on the weekend, Sebastian slipped back to the President's office.

Giovanna was still working along.

"Ugh, being the CEO isn't much better, and it's so tiring."

Noticing that her eyebrows were always slightly furrowed, Sebastian sighed in his heart. He couldn't bear to look at her anymore, so he went into the suite, laid down on the comfortable bed to read a famous novel on his phone.

Just as he was fully immersed in the novel, there was a knock on the door of his room.

After saying enter without raising his head, Giovanna opened the door, walked in and turned on the light.

Only then did Sebastian realize that it was already dark outside.

Learning was always fascinating......

Giovanna stood in the doorway and said in a weary tone.

"Come on, let’s go home."

Sebastian put his foot onto the ground and casually asked.

“Do you always feel tired today?"


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