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My Hot Stepfather novel Chapter 23




After one week of not touching me and acting very normally as if nothing happened between us and as if he didn’t confess his love to me. He was treating me coldly with more ignorance or in another meaning caring for me as such his daughter nothing more.


My leg was healed finally and I was walking perfectly, I missed the way he carried me between his arms or cooked for me.


He wasn't calling me daily anymore because I have finished my final exams and gladly graduated from high school but the graduation party was going to be held after the prom part by a couple of days and I don’t have an idea why.


My mother final appeared again dealing with us casually as if she didn’t leave the house for three fucking weeks. I hated her uncaring attitude.


She couldn’t be my mother! She never asked me what happened to me and actually once she arrived she threw herself into Dave's lap and I wanted to beat her ass. The only thing that stopped me back then that she was my mother and she was his wife and I was the steady girl for him.


And even that, I wasn’t anymore. Everything ended before it could begin. And I did my best to forget anything happened between us. I failed to forget but I convinced myself that after going to college I will find a new guy and I will date him and sooner or later I will start a new life with a new lover.


That day was prom day, so I asked one of my classmates to go with me. And gladly he accepted. I thought that he will be afraid of my father or from jack that I guess he was too nerdy and dumb to understand the too much complications around my life.


I decided to be the queen of the prom, even so, I wasn’t the most beautiful or the most popular girl in school but I knew with that red-hot short dress that shows all my curvy perfect round ass and my very big boobs that I will break all the hearts and turn all the eyes around me. I went to a beauty salon to take care of my makeup and my hair and I was too confident about how I look.


I wore it and passed by my mother's room, she was still sleeping in her own room. Dave I guess didn’t let her come close to him. But I didn’t raise my hopes about that. I showed her my dress and she made a perfect motion with her finger mutely and that was it, she was talking already on her phone but that doesn’t mean that she should neglect her daughter.


To be honest while I was getting out of my mom's room, my ears caught some of her words which were weird to me actually. she was saying 'I missed you too sweetheart' Somehow I wished that she was cheating on Dave and My devil pushed me to tell Dave about that. but My angel won the battle by the end saying to me 'if fate wants you and Dave to be together then everything will be okay in the right time' So I decided to be a good daughter despite having a bad mother.


I mean what if i told him and he killed her or something? Or what if I told him and he decided to kick me and her out of his life?! I wasn't ready for that. I didn't even forget him or hated him till now.


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