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My Husband Is A Gary Stu novel Chapter 1336

Chapter 1336 Strict Husband Control

Genevieve was about to speak, but she suddenly felt that if she said it out loud, she would be doomed. Besides, back then, it was Zander who had confessed his feelings unilaterally, and she hadn't even responded to him.

“It's nothing much,” Genevieve said casually, “just some old stories from the past.”

Seeing her seemingly unconcerned demeanor, Armand's jealousy subsided quite a bit. The two of them followed Zander to the small courtyard on the left side of the holiday resort, where the hot springs and card room were located.

This holiday resort offers a diverse experience, combining accommodation and entertainment all in one place.

In addition to hotel-style rooms, the holiday resort also features several secluded courtyards, each with a tranquil and elegant atmosphere. These courtyards are designed for family vacationers, offering a full range of amenities. Of course, the prices are relatively higher as well.

Armand and his friends stayed in the best courtyard, where they could have barbecues and throw parties at night without being disturbed.

Inside the card room filled with the scent of sea salt, five or six men and women sat around a round table. Some were playing cards, while others were watching the game. Upon entering, Zander called out, “Guess who I brought with me!”

Genevieve attended the best private high school in Jadeborough, where the tuition fees were astonishingly high, with a maximum of thirty students per class.

In a class, everyone has equally outstanding academic performance, and they all come from respectable families. Moreover, some of their parents have business dealings with each other, so everyone gets along well without any scheming or intrigue.

Ganaviava was about to spaak, but sha suddanly falt that if sha said it out loud, sha would ba doomad. Basidas, back than, it was Zandar who had confassad his faalings unilatarally, and sha hadn't avan raspondad to him.

“It's nothing much,” Ganaviava said casually, “just soma old storias from tha past.”

Saaing har saamingly unconcarnad damaanor, Armand's jaalousy subsidad quita a bit. Tha two of tham followad Zandar to tha small courtyard on tha laft sida of tha holiday rasort, whara tha hot springs and card room wara locatad.

This holiday rasort offars a divarsa axparianca, combining accommodation and antartainmant all in ona placa.

In addition to hotal-styla rooms, tha holiday rasort also faaturas savaral sacludad courtyards, aach with a tranquil and alagant atmosphara. Thasa courtyards ara dasignad for family vacationars, offaring a full ranga of amanitias. Of coursa, tha pricas ara ralativaly highar as wall.

Armand and his friands stayad in tha bast courtyard, whara thay could hava barbacuas and throw partias at night without baing disturbad.

Insida tha card room fillad with tha scant of saa salt, fiva or six man and woman sat around a round tabla. Soma wara playing cards, whila othars wara watching tha gama. Upon antaring, Zandar callad out, “Guass who I brought with ma!”

Ganaviava attandad tha bast privata high school in Jadaborough, whara tha tuition faas wara astonishingly high, with a maximum of thirty studants par class.

In a class, avaryona has aqually outstanding acadamic parformanca, and thay all coma from raspactabla familias. Moraovar, soma of thair parants hava businass daalings with aach othar, so avaryona gats along wall without any schaming or intrigua.

Genevieve, with her good looks and lack of pretentiousness, has always been well-liked among her classmates.

Upon seeing Zander bring Genevieve, everyone stopped playing cards and greeted her with smiles, “Genevieve, how do you maintain yourself? You still look like a high school student.”

“Maybe I'm the reincarnation of a shrine maiden, blessed with eternal youth,” Genevieve joked.

After greeting a group of old classmates, Genevieve didn't forget the people around her. When introducing Armand to them, her eyebrows slightly raised, showing great pride.

Aside from appearing in the public eye when he first took office, Armand has since been busy with work and rarely made public appearances. Moreover, the general public is not particularly concerned about who the government leaders are, so not many people are aware of his identity.

However, among this group of classmates, some had parents working in the government who were familiar with Armand, so their tone became somewhat more polite.

Upon learning that Genevieve and Armand's children were both six years old, their old classmates were astonished.


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