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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 14

Chapter 14

The car smoothly pulled into the parking lot of the Brovard restaurant. It was a new edition Lamborghini, rumored to be one of only two in the world, both owned by mysterious buyers. The sight of the rare vehicle surprised everyone present, as they hadn't expected one of the enigmatic owners to be from City A.

Curiosity piqued, the patrons of the restaurant poured out to catch a glimpse of the car's occupants. Coincidentally, members of the Smith family, who had celebrated their victory in successfully removing Sandra and her family from the city, were also present. The two sons of the Smith family had their own motives for being there. They had invited their daughter's in-laws, including old man Smith, to flaunt their newfound support.

As Sandra and Levy's car arrived, they were equally taken aback by the luxurious vehicle. They couldn't help but wonder who could be inside. Stacey, the most covetous sister, shamelessly adjusted her skirt, attempting to showcase her long legs and figure to whoever emerged from the car.

At that very moment, a figure stepped out of the driver's seat and opened the back door. From their distance, the Smith family failed to recognize William, the personal assistant of the Anthony family. Levy, looking as dashing as ever, didn't spare a glance at the gathering crowd. Instead, he turned to Sandra and said, "Wife, here we are. Let's go and celebrate our first day of marriage and enjoy our lunch as a married couple."

Sandra couldn't help but burst into laughter. She found Levy Anthony's theatrical nature amusing. However, she swiftly composed herself and replied, "Let's go, my esteemed husband." She acted as if they were deeply in love, inseparable beings destined to be together.

Levy chuckled, finding his new wife's unpredictable nature intriguing. Nevertheless, he regained his composure and walked alongside her to the entrance of the restaurant.

Upon seeing Sandra emerge from the car, exuding an air of self-assurance, the Smith family was utterly flabbergasted. Stellah and Stacey couldn't believe their own eyes. There stood Sandra, stepping out of the world's most expensive car, accompanied by a strikingly handsome young man who seemed to possess an ethereal charm.

Unable to contain their astonishment any longer, they confronted Sandra. Stacey sneered, "Well, well, well, look who we have here. It's Sandra Smith, the dimwitted and uneducated daughter of the Smith family in City A. Pray tell, who is this young man you are parading with? Shouldn't you be married to the worthless scion of the Anthony family, Levy Anthony?"


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