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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Is there any connection between the former Anthony family in City A and the Anthony family in the capital? If so, won't he be ridiculed by cutting ties with Andrew's family? But how could there be any connection between the former Anthony family in City A and the Anthony family in the capital?

Both families are shrouded in mystery, especially their family heads. Levy Anthony, the current head of the Anthony family in City A, is known for being ugly, useless, and foolish, while the head of the Anthony family in the capital is so mysterious that nobody knows his age or appearance. All that is known is that he is ruthless and capable of killing without hesitation.

However, these are just rumors. Since he has seen Levy Anthony in person, he realizes that he is as handsome as jade. One look at him and you can tell that he is no ordinary person.

This realization scares him because he doesn't know if it's his heart playing tricks on him, but he feels that his breathing is not normal. He senses that he is about to receive news that will change his life forever.

Returning to Sandra, she arrived at her family villa and instructed the driver to leave if he had other tasks to attend to. The driver responded, "I have no other obligations, madam. Young Master instructed me to look after you, so take your time and do whatever you need. I'll be here waiting." With those words, Sandra entered the house and was warmly greeted by her mother. Her mother proceeded to introduce her to the household maids, saying, "This is Meg and Uncle Mat. They will be assisting us at home. Sandra, my daughter, has just been married today. I'm not sure if she will be leaving with her husband, but regardless, please treat her with respect whenever she visits."

After the introduction, her mother dismissed the maids and gazed at Sandra for a moment, as if she wanted to say something but hesitated. Sensing her mother's unspoken thoughts, Sandra spoke up, "You can say whatever you want to say. I have no problem with it."

Her mother then inquired, "How is Levy Anthony? Is he a good man? Are you planning to stay here or live with him?"

Sandra couldn't help but laugh at her mother's attempt to hide her presence and the fact that she had blocked members of the Smith family, Jackson family, and the boss of Eza Entertainment Company on social media. Did her mother really think she hadn't noticed? Nevertheless, Sandra decided to play along and said, "Mom, I don't think Levy Anthony is as bad as they say. Besides, he's already my husband, and I have no plans to divorce him anytime soon."


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