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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24

"Oh, I just got back from the office; I heard from the maids that you hadn't had your dinner yet, so I told them to bring it here so we could eat together." "It's okay, I just wanted to relax a little; I didn't realise I'd sleep for this long," she explained.

"I think you're tired, it's been a long day," Levy remarked, "take your bath and come and eat." He then went to their closet and collected his clothing. Sandra was taken aback because she assumed he was considering bathing with her. She gave him a horrified expression.

When Levy came out of the closet with his clothing, he spotted Sandra still standing in the exact spot he had left her with a horrified expression.

When he asked why she wasn't having a bath, she looked at him, then at the clothes in his hands. He realised why she was making that look. "As much as I would love to see my wife's figure and body, I know you're not used to me, so go take your bath, I'll use the guest room's bathroom so we can eat our dinner while it's still hot," he joked.

When she heard Levy's replies, her face flushed. She couldn't believe her mind was that wild and above that Levy's shamelessness was on another level. She dashed to the bathroom and closed the door. Levy couldn't help but laugh when he saw her become shy.

They were both done showering in seconds. Sandra realised at the moment that she ran into the bathroom without changing her clothes because she was embarrassed in front of Levy after exposing her thoughts.

She wondered how she would get out the bathroom. She went to their room after calling Levy to see if he was finished with his bath. After ringing and receiving no response, she carefully opened the bathroom door and stepped out wearing the bathrobe that Levy had prepared for her ahead of time. She would have stepped out in her birthing suit otherwise.

She dashed to the closet after ensuring that Levy was not in the bedroom. Before she could go down, she knocked something strong. "Slowly, why are you running?" When she heard the voice,

Sandra nearly fell again from surprise, she glanced at Levy and thought about how come his in the closet above that they're in a highly compromising situation but it seems that it's nothing to Levy. She began eating words because she didn't know what to do or say. Levy noticed her humiliation and said, "Get changed or you will get cold."

Levy left her to change, and as he was leaving, her bathrobe opened, revealing her entire lovely figure. Even Levy, a man who couldn't even fall for a woman, couldn't suppress his passion. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva, so he walked out before he did anything he'd later regret.

He walked straight to the balcony to get some fresh air and cool himself, but his thoughts were drawn to her beautiful body. He continued to imagine her carves and flawless skin.

Sandra, who was left in the closet, was so ashamed that she stood still. She couldn't believe that in just one day of marriage, she had experienced the worst awkwardness she had ever experienced. "The food is ready," she heard Levy say "hurry up and eat before it gets cold."


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