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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Today was the day Sandra will be moving in with Levy, she thought that she will be scared staying with him but for the past month she has grown attached to him, she no longer thinks about his purpose of wanting to be with her even if it’s not for her own good she has a way to force him to be with her. He had a choice to leave her but he choose to remain by her side. So even if the time comes and he wants to go she will never allow that to happen, Levy didn’t know that his freedom to leave Sandra no longer lays in his hands.

In the evening, Sandra bind her goodbye to Deborah and Natasha, Deborah couldn’t help herself but exaggerate the situation, “sister in law I know you and my brother just got married and you need time to know each other and off course make me an untie but at least you should consider my feeling too I still want to have you for myself”. Sandra rolled her eyes and said, “how about i tell your brother this and hear his idea”. Deborah shouted, “don’t you dare to do that sister in law, do you want my brother to kill me? you know what you two are the same”, Sandra couldn’t control herself from laughing, she knows Deborah is very scared of her brother, in the past month, she has seen how well behaved Deborah was when Levy was around.

She’s usually stubborn, unrestrained and says whatever she wants but when Levy is around her, she will always be at her best behavior. It’s not that he forbids her from doing what she wants but his always strict when it comes to her behavior.

After all she’s his sister even though he usually doesn’t show his love for he will always protect her in the dark. Sandra bind her goodbye to Natasha and Deborah, and told them, “if you need anything or you encounter any trouble I’m just one call I will be here, and don’t worry we will be seeing each other every day”. With that she left to meet her husband, yes her husband, now she’s considering him as her own.

She met levy waiting for her already at the school she came out and opened the car for her, after they settled in he drove, all this was seen by Stacey who was also leaving the school. She was so jealousy that her face changed colors, she said to herself, “let’s see if Levy will still love you after your image is destroyed”, with that she got her phone and called someone, “I want you to do it on my grandfather’s birthday I hope everything is ready”, the person on the other end of the phone said, “yes mama everything is ready I’m just waiting for the time and place”. Stacey replied, “don’t worry everything will go as planned”.

As Stacey was planning something also stellah was also planning, she couldn’t wait to destroy Stacey, she will make sure she regrets having thought about her man.

Back to Sandra, Levy asked her, “how was school, are you ready to move in with me, if you uncomfortable and you like to stay at school you can tell me. I will gradually accept it”. Sandra replied him, “do you really think that If I didn’t want to move in with you or if I’m not comfortable staying with you, you would force me, I have never been forced to do anything it’s always the other way round so my husband relax”.


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