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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Teacher Abby answered her back defending her student, “not everything you see is the truth, what if she was with her husband in that car, we both saw him when he brought her here, his young, handsome, and doesn’t look like someone without a penny in his name”. she was there when Sandra came and she saw how he treated her, to add the fact that she doesn’t like her class she’s doing everything to exaggerate everything.

Teacher Evelyn replied, “we all know that her husband is poor and how sure are we that the one she came with was her husband I mean no one has seen Levy Anthony for eight years even before the Anthony family went bankrupt no one knew the truth”.

Teacher Abby touched her head she didn’t know what to say so she just walked out the teacher’s office, she has seen crazy people but teacher Evelyn tops them all, if she remains there she may lose her mind.

Soon Sunday came the day of Sandra’s surprise birthday at the same time, the day they will have their family lunch, they arrived at lover’s restaurant at around twelve pm, they found their parent’s present, Natasha and her parents, seeing Natasha and her parents also present she turn to look at him as him asking it a family lunch what’s Natasha and her parent doing here, he answered, “I don’t know may be they’re also here to have their lunch and meet Deborah and they decided to join us”. She answered, “oh” as if she understands, she said it’s okay I have no problem with her or her family joining us the more friends our parents make the better.

She walked towards their parents and greeted them, after greeting them they walked inside as soon as they entered they met the Stacey and her friends in the room seeing Sandra coming with her family they exchanged a few words and one said loudly, wow, wow, wow, look who we have here the school bitch, is that your husband today or one of the other men you have. Sandra ignored them and continued walking she asked levy the room number they booked and left.

Her parents and in laws complained why do you allow that girl to talk to you like that we have the power to stop her from entering this place, Sandra posed in her steps, looked at them and asked do you really think I can’t handle such an easy task like her I just want us to enjoy our lunch in peace. With that she continued walking reaching at their booked room, Clara, Stacey’s friend stopped them, hey that’s our room we booked kindly please leave, this time Sandra couldn’t keep her mouth shut she told her I have tried my best not to get in trouble with you but you really don’t know when to stop, but don’t worry I will make sure you and your family surfer for not teaching you how to behave in front of people, now get out of my way, she laughed and said, “just in case you don’t know my uncle is the head supervisor and his friends with the manager so if you don’t really want to be thrown out you better leave by yourself.


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