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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Soon it was the day for the welcoming party of the Anthony family back to City A, all the Elites and famous families of City A were so eager to see the members of the Anthony family, it’s been eight years since they left City A, their leaving was mysterious that many people began to think that they went bankrupt and were so scared of being humiliated and down by other families so they disappeared but now it seems the story may be different. They were so eager for the gospel, those with daughters were also eager to show off their well beautiful and educated daughters, they felt that maybe it’s a chance for their daughters to get in touch with rich people, the party was the talk of the City, at six in the evening, cars started coming through the gets of the Anthony family mansion.

It’s beauty and location alone explained that everything they knew and hard about the Anthony family going bankrupt was wrong, the house stood on the top of the mountain, it was beautiful. The house was decorated so beautifully everything sparkled riches, the smith family were also invited, they all came to confirm whether the Levy Anthony that married Sandra is the same as the head of the Anthony family.

Even now they could not believe that that good for nothing granddaughter of theirs got so blessed with a nice man as Levy Anthony, they arrived at seven thirty and were taken to their table by the waiter, looking at everything around they knew that the Anthony family was as rich as they were eight years ago if not more rich than they were, now days things were not going on well for them all their new projects were snatch away by unknown group, their investors are pulling out one by one when they tried to talk to them they said they were given more profit from other companies, they tried searching who was the root cause of all the problems they’re facing but could not find out who was responsible, ever since Andrew left the family and the company things have not been good at the smith group. Today they have to find a way to make Andrew and his family back to the Smith family household, it doesn’t the if they have to kneel they will do anything it takes to make them come back to the smith family.

Even if it hurts they will swallow their pride and say sorry, just imagining it made them so angry that they almost vomited but what could they do, they have to hung their head down if they want the smith to exist in the coming years, the girls Stacey and Stellah were thinking differently, they were so angry that they almost fainted when they received the invitation for the party, they could not believe that there greed for money and fame pushed them to give their enemy the biggest gift of all, it was their chance from the very beginning to marry into the Anthony family but because of rumors they can’t get that chance back they wondered where the rumors came from and why were they so stupid not to investigate if the rumors were true or not but they promised themselves to make Sandra and Levy divorce no matter what they will never allow Sandra to have a upper hand above them. And today’s party was also a good chance for them.

Soon Sandra’s parents also arrived, they were ushered to a table with Levy’s parents, Matilda Sandra’s mum was wearing a new Victoria Beckham’s vintage style dress, it was just launched and getting it in a short period of time you needed to have money and connections. All the people in the room looked at her, the lady were jealousy of her beauty and perfect body while the men looked at her with greed if they were no people present they don’t know what they could do. Jane looked at Matilda as she walked so elegantly as if she was born into riches her elegancy, poise and beauty was something she could never much with, she her walk with the lover of her life Andrew and couldn’t help but roll her eyes, she tried so much to stop her self from going to Matilda and skin her arrive even after twenty years she still love Andrew, she thought that may be if she married his brother and be near him she will be able to seduce him but no matter what she did Andrew never gave her time or looked at her, it was all because of that bastard Matilda.


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