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My Killing President novel Chapter 715

The next day, ten o'clock in the morning.

Two police cars drove by and parked right in front of the main entrance of Yun Rui.

Alistair Mu was working in his office. At that time, the door was opened suddenly and a few policemen walked inside.

Alistair Mu raised his gaze and looked at the crowd that entered his office. He frowned in vex, "What happened?"

Jack came inside as well. Before he could say anything, the policeman said, "Good morning, Mr. Mu. I am in charge of this region and I received a whistle blow, and now we have reasonable suspicion that your company had illegally imported raw materials for jewelries with strong radiation for profiteering. It had severely endangered the consumers' health and well-being. Hence, now our team will start to do a search in your company. I hope you can cooperate and follow us to the station!"

Alistair Mu's eyebrows furrowed deeply, "You must be mistaken. Our company's raw materials are all supplied through proper channel and registered suppliers. This can never happen!"

"Mr. Mu, please cooperate!"

Jack walked forward as well, "You must be mistaken, that just isn't possible!"

At that time, one of the police officers came forward and he brought a box with him, "We found it. We found a batch of jewelries in the store. After test, the radiation was fifty percent higher than the safety standard!"

When Alistair Mu heard that, he stared at the box of gemstones and frowned deeply. He understood the gravity of the situation.

"Mr. Mu, please follow us back to the station for further investigation!" The policeman said.

"That is impossible…" Jack said right away.

"Jack!" Before Jack could say anything, Alistair Mu interrupted him, "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Inform lawyer Lee right now!"

When Jack saw how composed Alistair Mu was, he was made restful. Although he was worried sick, he nodded obediently, "Got it!"

The assistant took out his phone and went aside to make the call.

"Mr. Mu, let's go!" As the policeman said that, he took out a handcuff.

Alistair Mu glanced at him and stretched out his hands. Even if he was handcuffed, it did not make him look lesser. Strangely enough, he looked even more overbearing and carried a stronger presence.

Under the public's eyes, Alistair Mu was brought away.

The moment he went to the doorstep, a large group of reporters were waiting for him. The moment they saw him, they rushed forward and snapped pictures and bombarded him with questions.

"Mr. Mu, can you clarify what happened?"

"Is it true that you had been using inferior grade of raw materials with high radiation?"

"President Mu, do you mind to tell us in detail?"

"President Mu, when you used this kind of inferior goods, have you expected to get caught?"

The reporters rushed forward and were desperate to interview him.

Alistair Mu was unbothered and didn't want to entertain them. But when he heard the last question, he stopped by his footsteps.

He turned his head over and looked at that reporter, "Everyone must be held responsible for what they do and what they say. Let me make things clear, I have never done anything illegal!" After saying that, he glared at the reporter threateningly and went inside the police car.


At that time, Annabelle Xia ran out from the company and stood by the main entrance. She looked at him worriedly.

When Alistair Mu heard her, he turned his head back and Annabelle Xia hurried forward, "What happened? Why is this happening?"

Annabelle Xia asked worriedly. When she saw that he was handcuffed, her eyebrows furrowed deeply in worry.

Alistair Mu simply looked at her and smiled, "Darling, I'm afraid I will need to hand the company to you for the time being. Don't worry, nothing will happen to me!"

When Annabelle Xia still wanted to ask questions, the policeman urged him to get inside the car.

Alistair Mu showed her a restful smiled, "Don't worry!" After that, he looked at her lovingly and turned around to get inside the car.

As Annabelle Xia stood by the entrance and watched as Alistair Mu was brought away, his eyebrows furrowed deeply.

At that time, the reporters turned their attention to Annabelle Xia and swarmed towards her, "Miss Xia, can you please tell us what happened?"

"With this happening to Yun Rui, how will it affect the workers?"

"Miss Xia, did you know about that?"


The reporters were bombarding her with all sorts of questions.

As Jack watched from the side, he knew he must protect Annabelle Xia from the hyena-like reporters. The man was trying everything he could to keep the reporters away from her. Annabelle Xia simply stood there and watched as the police car disappeared into the distance. Her eyes was just filled with worry…

Once the news was spread, the entire A city was shaken.

Even the grandmother and madam Mu were shocked at home.

It was beyond their wildest imagination for something like that to happen. But according to how well they knew Alistair Mu, he would never do something like that.

However, the situation had proven otherwise. Not only that, they saw the policeman came out with the illegal goods from inside the company…

When the grandmother saw the news, she turned her head towards Madam Mu, "Why is this happening?"

Madam Mu simply stared at the TV screen and said nothing. She was worried sick as well.


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