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My Lady Chef novel Chapter 107

Ely's POV:

The Parade was grander than I imagined!

In less than a few days, I was on an open carriage, decorated with flowers and waving to the crowds of people who turned up just to see my husband's army marched towards the City Square where Pierce organized a food festival for the knights and their family.

But it was also open for the public to enjoy for my husband organized it to spread the word of my contributions at work.

He even managed to rope my staff from Terra Cafe to do a food demonstration the moment the parade ended and we both left our carriage to tour the festival grounds.

So far, the rumors about me died down pretty fast after the men in my husband's army spread the truth of my contributions.

Now everyone was praising me for my kindness and dedication everywhere we go.

The fact that he did this all...just for me made me feel all warm and somehow it made me realize that he would spend a lot to clear my name.

It was a pleasant feeling.

"Husband. I know we discussed this but to see a whole celebration just for me is still overwhelming..." I held Ezran's arm as we were greeted by everyone. "And...the gown you picked for me is a bit too formal for a festival?"

The gown was made of velvetine rose red with it had silver gloves and shoes with rubies encrusted in them. It was gorgeous.

My husband was dressed in a new black and red coat and cravat site white pants and black boots to match with me. He truly looks roguish but dashing as he kept giving me warm smiles and teasing looks which made me wonder just what else is he planning.

But I did notice how surprised the people were when they saw my husband smile.

Until we greeted Sir Oswald and his wife Mildred, a plump cheerful woman.

"Goodness, to see His Grace smile is rare for us. He is always so serious but he seems almost too sweet when he is around you.." she whispered to me as our husbands chatted.

"Is he? He has always been that way to...me." It was a sudden realization but Mildred and I decided to do an experiment.

We pretended to talk and move away but we hid somewhere close till the other senior knights came to greet my lord husband.

His face slowly turned serious as he discussed a few things with them even if the twins congratulated him on something.

He did not smile at all as we watched him converse with his men.

Amazing...so it was true.

Mildred poked me playfully after we came back and my husband's frown turned into a smile and his whole expression softened as he took my hand.

"Where did you run off to?"

"Oh, Mildred and I just wandered off after talking about certain things." I waved a hand to show him that it was not that big of a deal.

Behind him, I saw all six pairs of eyes beaming with their smiles and intense stares before my husband turned to them and made a hand signal which had them all saluting and walking away hurriedly.

That struck me as odd.

"What are you planning?"

My husband looked at me with a mysterious grin before pulling me away from the noisy City Square and into one of the smaller parks located in one of the quieter districts.

As we went even deeper into the heart of the park as we took a path filled with huge lush trees that hid the harsh sunlight, providing an intimate atmosphere. I suddenly noticed a red carpet, white ribbons, and frills decorating the pathway the deeper we walked inside.

Until I heard voice, chants and then...singing?

"Husband. What...?"

"Ely, do you recall our wedding at Orza?"

I frowned and hooked my head. As far as romance goes; it made me remember that how Ezran initially married the old Alaina.

...by dragging her to the town's parish church without so much as a bouquet of flowers.

Every woman had dreamed of their wedding day but for me and Alaina, I guess we sort of had a less than memorable wedding day.


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