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My Mirror Image by Maybe Not (Candice And Alex’s) novel Chapter 565

Alex watched quietly as Candice entered the room and approached the desk. She had been here so many times that she knew the way without even thinking about it.

On the desk were two contracts.

When Candice read them, she was shocked and abruptly looked up at Alex.

One contract involved transferring ownership of Aether Corporation's branch to her. The other was for transferring all of Alex's assets. Both contracts were signed by him.

Besides the documents lay a pen, waiting for Candice's signature.

"I've thought long and hard about what I can give you," Alex began.

"After much consideration, I realized these are the most practical things I can offer. It wouldn't be genuine to tie you down with emotions I don't truly feel, so—"

He paused and stepped closer to Candice.

"I just want to say I'm sorry for everything I've done to you in the past. Now, it's my turn to suffer, but you deserve a way out."

Candice tried to speak but couldn't find her voice. She felt overwhelmed. Alex was giving her a significant amount of money and his assets, but she couldn't accept it.

"I don't want it," she finally said firmly.

"And what do you mean by 'way out'? You're being too presumptuous. I never asked to be with you. You're still as self-centered as ever. I won't accept whatever you want to give me. I want nothing to do with you."

Candice shook her head. She understood the implications of those contracts, but she refused to take them.

Alex seemed to have expected her response. He reached out to comfort her, placing his warm hand on her face.

"How about we make a bet?" he suggested softly.

"A bet? What kind?" Candice asked.

"A bet on whether I can be with you openly and honestly," Alex explained, tempting Candice with a trap he had set.

"If you win, I'll admit defeat. If I win, consider it a gift for you."

The contracts on the desk were essentially Alex's way of giving up everything he had for Candice. It wasn't a hard decision for him, considering he didn't have much else to offer.

Despite his claim to want to win her back, was Alex's sincerity all he had to rely on? How useful could it be when even he felt it was insincere?

Especially after the incident with Oscar, Alex realized that nothing was certain as he could die tomorrow.

In this situation, he had to ensure Candice's future well-being. He wanted to make sure she was financially secure and safe even if they didn't end up together. He wanted Candice to

live a life of luxury and comfort.

He had nurtured Candice, so he felt responsible for her for a lifetime. Despite his past mistakes and the time lost, he was determined to make it up to her gradually. He used to hurt her, but now, he wanted to help her blossom again.

Although Alex tried to appear confident and fearless, every time he saw Candice's cold gaze, he felt a pang in his heart.

Despite this, he knew he had brought it upon himself and deserved to suffer.

As Candice looked at the contracts, her hand trembled slightly.

Chapter 0565 1


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