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My Mommy Became A Billionaire After the Breakup novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Tempting Bait 

Athena smiled. 

“Mr. Crawford, when did you ever care about what I want to eat?” She asked. 

Byron’s face slowly turned ugly. 

“Mr. Crawford, I’ve been with you for five years. Do you know what I like to eat and what I don’t like to eat?” Athena said. 

Byron was silent for a moment, and he said, “You can tell me now.” 

“Is that necessary?” Athena asked. 

Suddenly, her cell phone rang. 

It was Gideon. 

“Mr. Hale.” Athena’s tone was distant and cold. “I fell asleep in the afternoon, and my phone was accidentally turned into airplane mode. Are you there?” 

“Why is your voice hoarse?” Gideon didn’t answer but asked. 


“Maybe I catch a cold.” Athena replied, “Do we need to meet before tomorrow’s meeting?” 

“How about we have dinner together? We can talk while eating,” Gideon said. 

Before Athena could answer, Byron took the phone away from 

her and said, “Chose a restaurant and send the address to my phone.” 

Gideon was surprised. 

“Who are you?” He asked. 

“Never you mind.” Byron hung up the phone. 

Athena didn’t want to argue with Byron. 

She went to change clothes. 

Byron followed her and asked, “What are you doing?” 

“Change clothes.” Athena’s clothes were all sets, and she 

reached into the closet. 

Byron stretched out his hand from behind her and took off the 

clothes easily. 

He took her uninjured hand and walked aside. 

“What are you doing?” Athend 

“I’ll help you change your clothes.” Byron’s tone was very 


“No need!” Athena resolutely refused. 

“Of course you need.” Byron looked at her and said, “When my 

arm was broken, how did you take care of me?” 

“That was my duty, and you paid for it,” Athena said. 

“You can also pay me now,” Byron said shamelessly. 

“Byron, don’t do this!” Athena was helpless. 

“You don’t do this.” Byron put his arms around Athena’s waist and pulled her in front of him. “You know I’m impatient. You don’t listen to me when I speak nice to you. Do you want me to 

change another way?” 

Byron glanced at the bed behind him. 

Athena felt nervous. 

She knew what Byron meant. 

Without hesitation, she gritted her teeth and let Byron help 

her change her clothes. 

Byron was clumsy. 

It would take a few minutes for Athena to change her clothes 



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