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My Mommy’s Brave Heart (Adina and Duke) novel Chapter 1345

Chapter 1345

“Uncle Duke,” Brooklyn and Everett greeted Duke at the same time.

Brooklyn was older, so he moved a step forward first and said, “Uncle Duke, this is something that I prepared three years ago. All properties under my name, including shares that aren’t limited to the family business, properties, estates, stocks, etc… were transferred to Mel three years ago. Whether in the past or in the future, everything I have, including my life, will belong to her.”

Melody was shocked when he said that.

All his properties had been transferred to her? He never mentioned anything to her. He just silently gave her everything.

“Daddy…” Melody looked at Duke, and her clear gaze was filled with helplessness which

was rare.

Brooklyn was the only person, other than her family, who was willing to sacrifice everything for her.

Such love that was enthusiastic, reserved, hidden, yet deep and long–lasting made her heart seize.

George took the documents from Brooklyn and passed them to Duke.

Duke flipped through them as darkness filled his profound eyes.

He did not speak immediately. It was only after he looked at Melody to comfort her that he looked at Brooklyn and said, “I’d like to ask you three questions.”

Brooklyn immediately answered, “Please do.”

“If you had to choose between your career and my daughter, how would you choose?”

When Brooklyn heard this, he sighed in relief. “Forget my career, even if I have to choose between my life and Mel’s life, I’ll still choose hers,” he said without hesitation.

So, who would you choose between your family and my daughter?” Duke continued to ask.

“I still choose Mel. My family goes back hundreds of years. There are countless excellent members to support them, so they don’t need me,” Brooklyn said.

“Then, what about your parents and immediate family?” Duke stared into his eyes and firmly asked, “If you had to choose between your parents and my daughter, who would you choose?”

Chapter 1345 1

Chapter 1345 2

Chapter 1345 3


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