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My Most Precious Human novel Chapter 1

It was another rainy day at Sunnybridge Town. I had constantly wondered who the hell gave that pathetic name to a town where it rains for over 160 days a year. I had been there for six months already, and it was time for me to leave. I was only waiting for the end of the month, so I could get my salary from the Bella Donna Café. It was the 28th of September. I remember that date well because it was the day I met HIM for the first time…

There weren't any customers at the café, so Janette and I were dying from boredom. I had already cleaned up all the tables and wiped the floor twice.

“Maybe Donna let us go early today? Who would want to go out when it rains like that?” Janette asked.

“Don't count on it,” I chuckled, mocking her hopes. “Even if no one comes here for a month, she will gladly find us new places to clean, or she will bring the paint and tell us to change the wall color.”

Janette glared at me and clicked her tongue. “You're no fun at all, Lilith!” she hissed.

She would probably have hit me with the cloth she was holding in her hand, but the bell sound of the opening door interrupted her. We held our breath, hoping for a customer that would save us from agonizing monotony, someone who would give us a tip, would be even better. Certainly, our hopes were crushed along with the view of our favorite six-year-old twins walking inside the store.

“Patrick, Paula…? Why aren't you at school?” I asked, looking at the twins wearing soaking wet, yellow rainy coats.

“The school was flooded,” Paula informed, grinning, “We want Lilith's chocolate muffins!”

I sighed, shook my head in disbelief, but then smiled. These children were like a ray of sunshine in this gloomy town. They lived with their parents, just around the corner, and they were our regulars. I thought that if I missed anything from this place after leaving, it would be those two always grinning faces.

“I baked new ones today.” I winked, corrected the cotton gloves I always wore on my hands and took out two muffins from the baking sheet. “These are with white, and raspberry chocolate.”

The kids started eating them right away. It literally took them five seconds for the muffins to disappear.

“Wow! It was super yummy, Lilith!” Patrick called, licking off chocolate from his tiny fingers.

“I'm glad you liked it,” I smiled at them warmly. “Now, run back home. It looks like the rain will only get heavier…”

“We will, Lilith!” they both called.

“Take care, honeys!” Jannette waved them goodbye as they were walking out.

“Bye Janette! Bye Lilith!” I heard their sweet voices.

I chuckled and hurriedly brought a mop to wipe the wet floor around the door and the counter.

“She should pay you more. Donna, I mean,” Janette stated lazily leaning against the table by the door.

“Yes, she should,” I smirked.

“I mean it! If it weren't for your cakes and muffins no one would have come here to drink that coffee from a machine that is broken every second day,” she claimed, crossing arms on her chest.

“But it doesn't matter anymore.” I put away the floor mop and stood beside her to teasingly ruffle her curly hair. “I'm leaving in two days. I will take my money and leave this town.”

“Why?! I mean… I know this town is a shitty hole, but it was a little less shitty with you here,” Janette sulked.

“I just really cannot stay in one place for too long…” I sighed.

“Are you one of those who try to find their place on Earth, or is somebody chasing you?” she chuckled.

I laughed nervously trying to hide the fact that she accidentally pointed out my true reason for constant running away. Luckily, she didn't notice my awkward expression.

“Anyway, good for you!” She combed her hair back the way it was, “It would be a waste if a clever girl like you stayed here longer. I'm gonna miss you though…”

“I'll miss you too,” I smiled, taking the mop to the back room.

The bell hanging above the door rang again. This time it was Joe and Frank, two locals, who always dropped by for coffee and pie as soon as they finished their shift guarding the local factory.


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