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My Most Precious Human novel Chapter 24

I was walking along the castle corridor following Mr. Gotha. We were clearly going towards the north wing. I only went there once while taking a tour around the castle with Martha, and even there I wasn't allowed to enter any of those rooms, since they were off-limits as the Duke's private chambers. While walking I kept clenching my fists, encouraging myself to keep my emotions at a minimum level and focus solely on business. I knew that I could be confident and strict as long as I keep it all around my area of expertise.

I assumed that we were going to the Duke's study room which I was told was combined with a grand library. I was sincerely looking forward to seeing it since until now I could only look at its door…

We were getting closer, and I even became a little excited about entering that grand library, but Mr. Gotha passed Duke's study room and kept walking.

"Um… Am I not supposed to meet the Duke in here?" I pointed at the door we passed.

"Master will meet you in his private bedroom," Mr. Gotha replied in a tone filled with annoyance.

"His… His bedroom?! Why there?!" I burst out in panic.

"Don't ask me. I was surprised myself. Master never allows anyone to enter his most private space. Make sure you will behave respectfully," he advised me like I was some kind of savage.

His words irritated me, but I decided to bite my tongue before I let a few invectives out of my mouth. I took a deep breath, trying not to punch him. His remark almost made me skip the fact that we were going to Sariel's bedroom! With realization, my panic arose.

"Lilith! You were supposed to stay composed! What the hell happened with your recent resolution?!" I tried to get my act together, lecturing myself inside my mind.

I took another deep breath, trying to tell myself that everything was going to be all right. My heart was slowing down, and my confidence was growing back within me. Mr. Gotha stopped in front of the door at the end of the corridor. He knocked.

"Come in," Sariel called from inside the chamber.

Mr. Gotha stepped aside and said, "Enter by yourself, Ms. Fleming."

I gulped and grabbed the door handle. I took another deep breath.

"Calm down, Lilith," I motivated myself while opening the door. "You are here to talk business. Besides, it's not like he's going to sit there naked…"

I raised my eyes and froze. Sariel was sitting on the sofa in a loose bathrobe, revealing his perfectly shaped collarbones and most of his muscled chest. His hair was slightly wet and combed up, exposing all of his masculine facial features.

"Aren't you going to come inside? It will be uncomfortable to talk to you while you are standing on the threshold," Sariel pointed out, sarcastically.

I smiled awkwardly, closed the door, and walked towards him. He leaned back to sit more comfortably and smirked. I bet he did it on purpose since his bathrobe loosened up even more. I had a hard time focusing on his face rather than the rest of his body. He thoroughly looked me up and down.

"Turn around," he commanded.


"Turn around," he repeated more decisively.

I gulped and obeyed him.

"I liked the previous dress better," he tossed, looking at the fitted blue jeans and simple yet elegant white shirt that I wore.

"Well… I had to change since the dress got torn," I stated, feeling irked.

"Did it?" Sariel chuckled teasingly while gazing straight into my eyes.

It was quite obvious that he knew that he was the one responsible for it. I tried to focus on my irritation, but my mind had already displayed the circumstances in which the slit of my dress got torn. I clenched my teeth and looked away to avoid his stare and decided to ignore his taunts.

"Did you look into the Estelle Development?" I asked, desperately trying to get to the business subject.


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