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My Most Precious Wife novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Why do you feel abandoned again?

Aspen Li guarded the door and saw Emily Gale coming out and immediately greeted him.

“Madam, that…no matter what, today is your engagement day. I hope that Madam can… cheer up, that…”

He hesitated a bit. This agreement was drafted by him, and of course the content is also Be clear.

A girl was told on the day of her engagement that she and her fiance were only acting for the elders.

In other words, there can be no real feelings in the future.

This kind of thing, for girls, must be a big blow.

He was a little worried that Mrs. Young would not be able to bear such a blow.

Emily Gale blinked at him, a little puzzled: “I’m in good spirits, what’s the matter?” “Mrs. Young…”

Aspen Li studied her expression, his eyes were shiny and the corners of his lips were slightly curved, as if… Strong face and laugh?


“Aspen Li, when did you become such a mother-in-law? If you have something to say, hurry up!” At seven o’clock, there is still an hour left, and the engagement banquet will begin.

She is only engaged, not married, and the ceremony will not be too grand.

We will go through a cutscene later, and at the announcement of the old man and the host, exchange the engagement ring with Master Jackson.

There is still an hour left, and she hasn’t eaten enough food yet!

Aspen Li was hesitating. In fact, he just wanted to comfort him.

But, why did Madam Shao look so clear that she didn’t need his comfort at all?

“Forget it, if you have something to give me information, I will go down first.”

Emily Gale decided to leave without waiting for him.

I took a look at the time displayed on the phone, at 7:05, I will be here soon today.

As long as you survive tonight, Xiaomi’s tragedy will not happen.

Now, there are only more than four hours left until 12 o’clock.

As long as Xiaomi does not leave the school, everything will be fine.

Half an hour ago, Xiaomi also sent her a text message saying that she would eat instant noodles in the dormitory.

Looking back, we must treat her to a good meal as compensation.

Emily Gale leaped into the elevator all the way, but Aspen Li felt more and more incredible as he watched.

Walking to the entrance of the lounge, the eldest master was sitting in a chair, smoking a cigarette.

The agreement clearly signed the young lady’s name, but why did the young lady look excited, but the purpose of achieving the happy eldest young master seems a bit… melancholy?

“Young Master.”

Aspen Li walked in and packed the agreement.

Sure enough, the name has been signed. Signing this agreement means that the young master does not need to be entangled by the young lady. Isn’t this a good thing?

“Madam young…”

Aspen Li paused before continuing: “It doesn’t seem to be sad, young master, I don’t think the young lady will entangle you in the future.”

“Meaning, my charm has gone backwards.”

To this point

, She is not interested in me at all?


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