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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 13

I stayed in the room until I finished the entire book. It was interesting. It went into detail about the Lycan's shift from man to beast and how they could control it for the most part. When the Lycan got angry, it's wolf would push forward, and sometimes the shift would be involuntary. It showed the changing anatomies of the man in his transition to beast. It looked painful and unreal. There were pictures and descriptions of the pain that came with the first shift and every one after. The Lycan could begin it's transformation at puberty, whenever it would hit the normal person. There was so much detail on this one fictional creature. It was incredible. I applauded the creativity of whoever wrote this. It was very specific.

When I finished the book, I stretched and tucked the book under my arm I remembered Elias saying that he worked in his home office often, and I needed to talk to him about this book. I didn't knock before entering, and in hindsight, I should've. In my defense, I wasn't expecting anyone else to be in the house. Elias was in a deep discussion with two men. One of them I recognized as Elias' brother, Taylor. Regardless, Elias smiled when he saw me. I probably looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Nova," he smiled. He motioned for me to join him at his desk. Paralleled against my option to just stand at the door, I went to Elias. I walked hesitantly over to him and he pulled me into his lap. I could feel the blush creep up my neck.

"I-I didn't realize you had company," I said shyly, standing. I motioned to the book. "I was just going to give this back to you," I said quickly. I turned to leave but Elias caught my wrist.

"Wait, Nova. What did you think?" he asked. I glanced at Taylor and the other strange man in the room.

"We can discuss it later since you're busy, " I said, trying to leave. Elias chuckled and sat me on his desk.

"It's okay, love. Taylor and Peyton don't bite," Elias said, to which both men chuckled as if the opposite were true. I looked at my fingers clasped in my lap and shrugged.

"I think it's a very descriptive and detailed piece of fiction. Whoever wrote it had quite the imagination and I commend them for that. It was truly entertaining," I answered softly.


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