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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 17

The orphanage? And it seemed like this poor woman was running it by herself.

"How many kids live here?" I asked.

"Eight," she said. "Mostly toddlers and younger children, but there is a baby and a few preteens." She explained.

"Baby?" I asked shocked. Did these people give their children away? How did they end up here? I found myself wondering a lot of questions.

"Opal, she's about ten months old. Her parents died in an attack recently. She came with her five year old brother," Yana explained. I found myself smiling sympathetically at the exhausted woman.

"Well, I would love to help, and have some experience with children. Just point me in the right direction," I said. Yana gave me a tour of the house. It was honestly just a big house. There was a giant kitchen, multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, a playroom, a media room, and a playground outside. The only thing that wasn't very house-like was the reception area.


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