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My Name is NOT Cupcake novel Chapter 36

Suddenly, the wolves weren't following me anymore. It ended with many continuous howls. I knew Elias knew I was gone now.

But I did it. I was free. As the familiar buildings of my town passed, the sun began to rise. I knew I couldn't go home. I wasn't protected there. Elias could just as easily take me again. And he could possibly hurt my family in the process.


I drove until I was coming up on Mason's house. It was big and kind of hidden in the forest and now I knew why. He was apart of an Alpha family too. I parked the car and pushed myself to the door. Mason threw it open the second I hit the doorstep and hugged me tightly. I released a breath as my tears spilled over. He pulled me inside and let go of me like I burned him.

"You're mated," Mason noted. I hesitated before I nodded slowly.

"I didn't want to, but I went into heat and I couldn't control anything. I was in so much pain... I didn't want it to happen," I cried. He sighed and pulled me back into a hug.

"What's going on? Nova, you shouldn't be here. We've got Rigor Moon Sentinel lining up on our boarder," Mason's dad, Peter, said coming into the foyer.

"Dad, we're not throwing her to the dogs. We need to protect her," Mason defended me. "I still love her," he admitted. I instantly felt bad because I couldn't think of loving anyone but Elias. I wouldn't admit that out loud though. I wanted to feel for Mason what I used to, but I didn't.

"Okay, say we protect Nova from her mate, and she stays with us. You love her now, but when you find your mate, everything is going to change. Then you would've taken Nova away from her mate and created a rivalry for no reason," Peter retorted.

"Dad," Mason said sternly. There was a pause before Peter sighed.


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