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MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE novel Chapter 22

Emma POV

I am Emma Johnson, age 25, I have a younger sister and I have one best friend more like a younger sister too.

I am coming from work. I work at coffee shop as a waitress. I am tired of my boss, she's always nagging me not to do this, not to do that. I am extremely tired and it's time for my shift to eds and I can't wait to get out of here. I think I should look for another job.

I walk out of the coffee shop and I decide to surprise my boyfriend the one I met at the club 3 weeks ago. I take a taxi to his apartment. The door is open. Why can't he lock the door? I get in and I am shocked. My so called boyfriend is having sex with a girl. I don't say anything and walk out.

What a jerk that he was asking me to sleep with him. Thank God I didn't give in.

I walk to the park. It's not dark yet. I decide to go sit down and watch kids play. It's fun. I wish I can have a husband and a kid as well but I need to have a boyfriend first.

I buy myself an ice cream and eat without any care at all. When I am done I decide to go home.

I get inside and find Sarah is not at home. I call her and she tells me she is at her mom's home, she will back tomorrow. I make dinner and have my food feeling lonely .

2 hours later I come to the club and have fun. I am drinking my wine when I see a guy looking at me but I don't want anyone after what happened to that jerk.

"Excuse me miss, you look like you need a friend right now."

I turn around. He looks hot and his smile is killing. I feel wet on my pants by looking at him.


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