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MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE novel Chapter 25

Sarah POV

Emma and I go to check on Ethan. I'm worried and Emma is not helping. She doesn't want me to call David.

We arrive and I pay the driver then he drives away. It's a different house and also a beautiful mansion. It looks lovely. I knock the door and the maid opens the door.

"We're here to see Mr William." I tell her.

"Please come inside." she welcomes us with a small smile.

I walk inside and I found Ethan sitting on the couch. I ask him if he is fine. He smiles and stands up to tell me there is someone who needs to talk to me.

I get confused and look at his direction. I see David coming towards us and he is surprised as well. I look back at Ethan and Emma. They are both smiling. I am laughing at myself. These two plan this but how did they know each other?

Ethan excuses himself and leaves with Emma. I look at David and I sit down. He sits down next to me. I take a big breath and I look at his face. I'm ready to tell him everything.

"David I am sorry for what happened yesterday morning, I was scared I didn't know how to respond, I know you like me and I also like you, I want to marry you."

He smiles and nods his head for me to continue.

"I have been in a relationship before and it didn't work, my heart was broken and I have trouble trusting people, I will give us a chance but you have to be patient, you have to teach me how to trust you and this relationship."

David smiles and hugs me. He tells me everything will be okay. I feel relieved after talking to him. He kisses me gently, getting inside my mouth slowly. I moan and he deepens our kiss. I can't breath. I pull away and breathe. I blush at how he is looking at me with so much love in his eyes.

"How did you plan this?" I ask him.


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