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MY ONE AND ONLY LOVE novel Chapter 31

David POV.

I couldn't sleep well last night.

I was thinking of how to convince Sarah to marry me, I called Ethan and I ask him to help me and he agreed to my plan,

I know every woman wants a proper proposal and beautiful wedding and am going to give her the best wedding, but I can't right now, I have a lot of enemies and they will use her as my weaknesses . I have to protect her .

no one can come after me that I can't handle on my own, but I have to keep her safe , her peaceful life is most important thing in my life.

I don't want to take that away from her.

Ethan came to my house and we drive to pick up the girls and am very nervous, what if she rejected me again, what if she won't agree with me , what if she won't love me back, I ask Ethan and he said everything will be ok.

I want to keep our marriage in secret accept our family will know.

I hope she will understand me.

Ethan called Emma and told her to get ready.

I call my baby and told her to get ready, I want to marry her today.

we nock the door and she opens and she is looking beautiful as always.

she welcome us to the house, she follows us behind and sit down next to me , while Ethan sit next to Emma and I have started to notice this two have fillings for each other.

I asked my girl we have to go somewhere and she can't say no to me.

she agreed and I ask her to change,she looks confused but she went upstairs to change while I follow her to the room,

I ask her to marry me and she was surprised I understand her and I can't wait her to be my wife.

I explain everything and told her to trust me.

I will fix everything to give her a normal life but I have to keep her safe.

we got married and I am so happy today,we went back to her house to drop her friend and Ethan because I know he likes her .I ask my wife to pack everything she wants to carry.


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